It’s Fausto Coppi day for 2,300 athletes – The Guide

It’s Fausto Coppi day for 2,300 athletes – The Guide
It’s Fausto Coppi day for 2,300 athletes – The Guide

Today, Sunday 30 June is Fausto Coppi day. 35th edition with 2150 participants from 36 different nations.

The routes will split as per tradition at the end of the Soleri viaduct: the participants in the Mediofondo will head one way, towards Valle Grana, those in the Granfondo will instead go towards Madonna dell’Olmo and from there towards Busca.

“Neutralized” descent

ASD Fausto Coppi on the road, in agreement with the Prefecture, the Municipality of Demonte, the race management and the managers of the construction sites along the Colle Fauniera road, has decided to neutralize the timing of the first 6.5 km of the descent. The electronic controls positioned at 2481 meters of the hill and further downstream will record the passages for the final ranking. The 6.5 km not timed will be out of the race and must be tackled respecting the highway code (20 km/h). The organization recommends maximum compliance with the rules.


The granfondo will extend for 177 kilometers with more than 4000 meters of altitude difference. After 30 flat km you face the first climb of the day, the one that leads to the sanctuary of Valmala (1,380 m) in Valle Varaita. Time to take a breath and, having passed Dronero, with the passage over the Devil’s bridge, you start climbing again towards the Piatta Soprana with peaks of 14% for around 9.5 km. In Valle Grana, the granfondo route joins the medium-distance one to tackle the queen climb of the competition: Colle Fauniera. From here you cross into Valle Stura, up to Demonte, face the last climb (Madonna del Colletto) and descend towards the finish line in Piazza Galimberti.

Middle distance

Participants in the Mediofondo will face a route of 111 kilometers with more than 2500 meters of altitude difference. After starting in Piazza Galimberti, at the end of the Soleri viaduct you head directly towards Valle Grana, passing through Caraglio. After 20 kilometers from the start you immediately face the most important climb of the race, the 22 kilometers that go up the valley and arrive at Colle Fauniera (2,481 m).

At the top, the majestic landscape soon gives way to a long descent, which leads to Demonte, in Valle Stura, a few kilometers away from the second and final climb of the route, towards Madonna del Colletto (1,304 m). The next descent takes you to Valle Gesso in Valdieri and from there to Borgo San Dalmazzo, to return to Cuneo, towards the finish line in Piazza Galimberti. The awards ceremony is scheduled in Piazza Galimberti starting at 11:30.

Fauniera Classic

The novelty of the 2024 edition is the “Fauniera Classic”, a non-competitive route, with timing and final ranking in alphabetical order.
“The route – explain the organizers in the presentation on the event website – is a tribute to the road symbol of the race: Colle Fauniera. A new proposal for those who love cycling and don’t want to miss the pleasure of admiring an extraordinary landscape, without having to deal with the stopwatch”.
Starting from Cuneo, at the mouth of the Soleri Viaduct, participants head left, towards Caraglio and the Grana Valley. After about twenty kilometers from the start, the climb begins. Passing through Valgrana and Pradleves, you arrive at the Sanctuary of Castelmagno. And then up again, up to Colle Fauniera (2,481m).
From here, a technical descent begins, to be done with caution and without haste. In Demonte, take the “military road” to Borgo San Dalmazzo, then return to Cuneo, in Piazza Galimberti.

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