Differentiated autonomy is law, definitive yes in the Chamber: here’s what will change for Liguria

Differentiated autonomy is law, definitive yes in the Chamber: here’s what will change for Liguria
Differentiated autonomy is law, definitive yes in the Chamber: here’s what will change for Liguria

Rome. Differentiated autonomy is law. The definitive yes came after one long night session in the Chamber with 172 votes in favour, 99 against and one abstention. The measure had already been approved in the Senate in January.

The text in 11 articles defines the legislative and administrative procedures to reach agreements with the Regions who ask for autonomy in the 23 matters indicated in the provision. The granting of one or more “forms of autonomy” by the State is subordinate to determination of Lep, the essential levels of performance, which must be guaranteed uniformly throughout the entire national territory. Costs and needs will be determined on the basis of state spending in each region in the last three years: it will be up to the government to do so with one or more decrees to be passed within 24 months, then there will be 5 months to finalize the ten-year (renewable) agreements with the Regions.

There Liguriaunder the pressure of Giovanni Toti, is among the Regions that have already expressed interest in granting autonomy. The areas had been identified by the council with a document approved in 2019: first of all healthcare, infrastructure e ports, including the “regional management of the motorway and railway system” and the “possibility of determining motorway tariffs”. Liguria aims to establish a fund to retain a 3% share of taxes in the territory of VAT, duties and excise duties generated annually and to transform the Port authorities in joint-stock companies with direct appointment of the president. And then economic development, urban planning and territory, environment, labor policies, right to education and training, sport and culture, agriculture, hunting and fishing, public finance and tax system. Now we need to start the actual negotiation to get to one agreement scheme preliminary.

A victory destined to remain in history which was in the spotlight since the 2017 referendum. Among other things, Liguria is among the first regions to have applied for membership, with a unanimous positive vote – comments the president ad interim Alessandro Piana -. In these hours the League and the centre-right have therefore achieved a great result, demonstrating once again their loyalty to the programs and commitments undertaken with the citizens. A reform that gives us a voicewill allow the Regions to be closer to citizens with maximum transparency and will give greater skills to local administrators leading to organizational efficiency, standard costs and a system of guarantees that will promote equality without leaving anyone behind”.

“Today we celebrate a historic victory for the League but above all for all of Italy. After many years of commitment and battles, the reform on differentiated autonomy has finally been approved by Parliament – the League group in the Liguria Region rejoices -. A theme that has always remained central to our political agenda. This is the implementation with ordinary law of the reform of the Constitution introduced in 2001 and confirmed by referendum. Regions will be able to better manage their resources and adapt their policies to specific local needs, taking into account the peculiarities of their territory. Autonomy will increase the efficiency of public administration and make it more accountable to citizens. Thanks to fiscal federalism, a more equitable and adequate management of economic resources will then be guaranteed. The League has always been close to the people and believes that decisions should be made as close as possible to the citizens and the needs of the different territories. The Liguria Region has also recently confirmed its intention to proceed along the path already started in 2019 in the wake of the Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna regions, to obtain forms of greater autonomy. Our Lega group in the Region expresses great satisfaction for the important goal achieved”.

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