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Bad weather, damages are now being counted in the province: millions of euros

Bad weather, damages are now being counted in the province: millions of euros
Bad weather, damages are now being counted in the province: millions of euros

After the bad weather, the rain and the floods in a flood that took away businesses, roads, bridges and the life of Bruno Uccelli, the counting of the damages in the province of Parma has begun. The Region has also taken action, to be able to request the Government of a state of emergency. In total, municipality by municipality, the request of the various mayors is around several million euros.

The Regional Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection has already started some interventions to reshape the riverbeds and remove the material transported by the floods.

Neviano degli Arduini, Lesignano de’ Bagni and Traversetolo were badly hit by the bad weather, with the swelling of secondary watercourses. The most significant damage was in Val Termina, with the torrent of the same name, and in Mulazzano Ponte, where flooding occurred. In Val Termina, in particular, production activities were flooded, especially in the Isolanda area. Critical issues also affected the Rio Riccò and the Scodogna torrent, tributaries of the Taro. Since the beginning of the wave of bad weather, 250 Civil Protection volunteers have been employed and 23 Coc (Municipal Operations Centers) have been activated; approximately 50 people are isolated and approximately 150 users are without electricity. About seventy interventions to assist the population were managed by volunteers, in support of the Fire Brigade.

Andrea Borchini, the new mayor of Lesignano dé Bagni, had commented on the situation to Parmatoday, the day after the flood that hit the Mulazzano area. “Today the situation is substantially positive. The Civil Protection has worked non-stop for days to try to bring relief and compensation to all those who have suffered damages, which amount to millions of euros”.

Even in the area of ​​Stombellini di Val Termina, near Traversetolo, they had never seen such a fury. The small Termina stream suddenly became a wave that took everything away. The life of Bruno Uccelli, companies, roads, bridges. “There are hundreds of thousands of euros – says the mayor of Traversetolo Simone Dall’Orto – Homes, farms and private companies: let’s say that the fury of the flood of this torrent, even speaking with the elderly gentlemen of the area, had never been seen for eighty years now”.

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