Capua, twenty special children flying on the plane with the school angels

Capua, twenty special children flying on the plane with the school angels
Capua, twenty special children flying on the plane with the school angels

And flight by plane lasted a few minutes. Twenty children and special kids, yesterday morning, were able to live an unprecedented experience, accompanied by enthusiastic and excited parents. At “Sky service” flight school of Capua, an out of the ordinary initiative took place, organized by the associations “The Power of Silence” e “Suessola Runners“, and supported financially by the “Asd runners for love”.

Without any kind of fear, each child showed interest in the initiative and, above all, expressed all their gratitude to those who have been working for autistic people for a long time and, above all, organize events of this kind. “I don’t believe it – said a little girl as soon as she got off the plane – I flew and without fear.” A friend of hers, a few years younger, was also happy. «But we really flew – she underlined – luckily my mother was with me and she held my hand. But I would like to do it again.”

All initiatives of this kind are part of solidarity running that the organizing associations have been sponsoring throughout the provincial territory for some time. More flights for autistic children have been announced in the coming months. And not only. There are also rumors of a day at provincial level that could involve all associations located in the territory they deal with autistic people.

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