Two oral warnings issued against two boys – Ancona Police Headquarters

Two oral warnings issued against two boys – Ancona Police Headquarters
Two oral warnings issued against two boys – Ancona Police Headquarters

They were the protagonists of some unpleasant episodes that occurred in Jesi and for which the Jesi Company Command proceeded to report them. They were also subjected to the personal precautionary measure of custody in prison. This morning the Police Chief issued against them the preventive measure oforal warning: this concerns an Italian subject of about 20 years of age and a subject of Syrian origin of about 20 years of age. They had repeated several crimes against the person and against property to the detriment of peers and used a violent and despicable modus operandi to intimidate other young people in the area, they frequented criminals and carried out occasional work activities. For all these reasons they were considered socially dangerous, capable of repeating their behaviors that generate social alarm and that endanger public safety and tranquility. To stem the repetition of these behaviors this morning the Chief of Police, with the preventive measures issued, immediately invited them to change their lifestyle and to adopt an attitude respectful of the law, warning them that, in the event of non-compliance, a more serious and afflictive measure will be applied. The Chief of Police: “The commitment of the State Police and other law enforcement agencies remains constant and continuous to guarantee our fellow citizens the liveability of our territory, restoring safety and civility. No tolerance towards those who commit crimes”.

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