Istat: purchasing power in Italy is growing

Istat: purchasing power in Italy is growing
Istat: purchasing power in Italy is growing

“Purchasing power is growing in Italy, as certified by Istat. This is an absolutely positive figure that demonstrates an increase in disposable income of 3.5% of families compared to the previous quarter and, read together with the increase in employment (with +462 thousand units, a number that exceeds that of May 2023), the drop in inflation and the growth of our nation’s GDP – among the highest in Europe – attests to the validity of the policies implemented by the Meloni government for the economic recovery of the country. Thanks to the reduction of the tax wedge, the measures in favor of working mothers, the incentives for companies that hire, Italy is back on track, denying the bar-room catastrophisms.

Since day one, Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia have wanted and supported the relaunch of Italy for the good of Italians, remaining faithful to one objective: to increasingly match supply with demand, especially in the South where, thanks to the inclusion measures and the Labor and Cohesion decrees, growth, female and youth employment are being boosted”. This was stated by Augusta Montaruli, deputy group leader of Fratelli d’Italia in the Chamber.

“These data certify the effectiveness of the economic policies implemented by the Meloni government and definitively silence the uncontrolled shouting of the opposition who, in order to carry on their empty propaganda, continue to root against our nation,” adds the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia, Carmen Letizia Giorgianni.

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