Udine, school catering: an app for a handy service – Il Pais

Udine, school catering: an app for a handy service – Il Pais
Udine, school catering: an app for a handy service – Il Pais

Many new features planned for the 2024-2025 year: more streamlined registration procedures and an app for a handy service

The Municipality has opened the registration notice for the municipal school catering service in the 2024-2025 school year. Starting next year, important innovations are planned, from more agile and less repetitive membership procedures over the years, to the introduction of an app to report children’s absences and any abstentions from meals.

“School catering plays a fundamental role in the educational sector. We want to promote the health and well-being of students first and foremost, supporting the creation of an inclusive and sustainable school environment, where nutrition is not only a quality service, but also an excuse to learn something new and adopt healthy eating habits. ”, comments Education Councilor Federico Pirone. “With the changes we have made this year, we intend to get ever closer to families in the interest of the little ones, facilitating access to the service for everyone and making it simpler with new technologies”.

The registration request must be submitted through the E-Civis portal, which parents will access via digital identity, by August 11, 2024.

Coming to the news, starting from this year it will not be necessary to submit a specific application for catering for children already registered in the municipal after-school program, who, thanks to a simpler procedure for families, will in this way also be registered in the cafeteria service.

A service that will be more agile and flexible for families also in management during the year. With the start of the next school calendar, an application dedicated to the booking and recording of meals consumed and the cancellation of reservations in case of absences will be introduced, but also to any indications of light diets due to children’s ailment. During the year, each pupil will be considered present, unless previously communicated by the parent who must report, through the use of the same smartphone application, the absence within the first hours of the school time, in order to allow for better organization of meals and avoid food waste and charges even for meals not consumed.

The school catering service provides for the administration, for all students who request it, of special diets for health, religious, ethical and cultural reasons. From this year the request must be entered together with the submission of the registration application in the specific “special diets” section on the online form. Also in this case, the procedure becomes simpler in the interest of families.

The latest innovation in the management of the service will concern spending: from this year, in fact, all payments will be postponed. Every month families will receive a bulletin which will report the meals consumed by children in the school canteen in the previous month, enjoying the entire more transparent procedure. On the udine.ecivis.it portal, under “Accounting Balance”, it will be possible to check your status.

In addition, as already provided, you can sign up via an annual subscription, enjoying a discount

Payment for the school catering service, both in the case of a subscription and a monthly payment, must be made by families exclusively via the PagoPA portal.

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