Arte Imperia aims for gender equality

Arte Imperia aims for gender equality
Arte Imperia aims for gender equality

Imperia Art, territorial construction company of the Liguria Region, continues its commitment to developing a company management system compliant with standards recognized at national and international level. Of particular relevance is the start of the process to obtain certification relating to gender equality, an official recognition given to organizations that promote policies and practices that promote such equality.

«An initiative strongly supported by the Liguria Region for Arte Imperia – declares the regional councilor for Construction and Housing Policies Marco Scajola –. A way to firmly overcome inequalities and stereotypes by continuing along the line traced by our administration which has placed support for parenting and the work of mothers and fathers among its priorities. With commitment and determination we have made a historic measure such as that of free nursery schools a reality, to which we have recently added the allocation of 7 million euros for bonuses for carers and babysitters which will guarantee concrete support to many Ligurians for the management of children or non-self-sufficient elderly people while protecting their work activity”.

We are enthusiastic and extremely satisfied to have started this journey – comments the sole director of Arte Imperia Antonio Parolini –. With this certification, Arte Imperia intends promote female empowerment within the company and guarantee diversity and inclusion, eliminating stereotypes and inequalities. We want to pay particular attention to gender pay equity, protection of parenthood and work-life balance.”

The certification will be issued once the criteria have been met, valid for a specific period and subject to periodic checks. By mid-June 2024, the indicators dictated by the sector standard will be defined, ensuring the possibility of obtaining certification. In December 2024, the management system will be certified. To achieve this objective, Arte Imperia collaborates with Confindustria Imperia. The collaboration involves qualified professionals registered in the European Aicq-Sicev register and a third-party, independent and accredited certification body in the sector.

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