Firefighters Competition 2024, announcement 350 positions: how to apply. The complete guide

Until 20 July 2024 it will be possible to apply for the Fire Brigade Competition 2024 for the coverage of 350 seats in the qualification of firefighter of the National Fire Brigade. This is a great opportunity for young candidates, since the maximum age for participation is 26 years. Among other requirements, a high school diploma.

The application for participation must be sent electronically through the competition portal of the National Fire Brigade. In the next paragraphs we will see who will be able to participate and the complete guide to sending the electronic application, with all the steps.

For all information on the competition, please refer to the dedicated in-depth information.

Get ready with the dedicated manual!

Fire Brigade Competition – 350 operators

The volume is an indispensable tool for preparing for all the tests of the competition announced by the Ministry of the Interior for 350 firefighters. The announcement involves selecting candidates through the following tests: – pre-selective test: test containing history questions Italy from 1861 to today, elements of chemistry, logical-deductive and analytical questions, computer science and English language; – 3 motor-aptitude tests. In the first part, the text deals with multiple choice questions of a psycho-aptitude and logic nature:- Roman numbers; – arithmetic exercises; – arithmetic problems; – understanding the tables; – calculation of combinations; – probability calculation; – algebra exercises; – algebra problems; – mathematical logic quiz; – numerical series; – alphanumeric and alphabetical series; – verbal reasoning (or critical-verbal or logical-verbal); – logical-deductive reasoning; – set-theoretic relations; – logical-figural reasoning and attention to detail. All questions are accompanied by solutions with detailed explanations, which clarify the logical procedure for identifying the correct answer and provide advice for resolution techniques. The second part presents a theoretical section on the other subjects subject of the pre-selective test: – elements of chemistry and physics; – informatics; – English language; – history of Italy from 1861 to today. The text is completed by an online section containing: – exemplary videos of the motor-aptitude tests of previous competitions; – logic video lessons by Giuseppe Cotruvo based on official quizzes from previous competitions; – online simulator. Giuseppe Cotruvo One of the most well-known and appreciated national experts in competitive teaching and manuals: he boasts over ten years of experience in teaching logic quizzes and is the author of dozens of manuals published by Maggioli.

Giuseppe Cotruvo | Maggioli Editore 2024

Fire Brigade Competition 2024, call for 350 places: who can participate

Candidates who, by the deadline for sending applications, meet the following requirements can participate in the 2024 Fire Brigade Competition for 350 places:

  • Italian citizenship;
  • enjoyment of political rights;
  • age not older than 26 years. The age limit is instead of 37 years old for the volunteer staff of the National Fire Brigade, registered for at least one year in the appropriate lists. Furthermore, the limit is increased for those who have performed military service, for a period equal to the actual service performed, in any case not exceeding 3 years;
  • possession of the psycho-physical and aptitude requirements referred to in the decree of the Minister of the Interior of 4 November 2019, n. 166 and subsequent amendments;
  • possession of diploma of upper secondary education;
  • possession of the moral qualities and conduct referred to in article 26 of law 1 February 1989, n. 53 as well as article 35, paragraph 6, of the legislative decree of 30 March 2001, n. 165.

They cannot participate those who have been expelled from the armed forces and militarily organized bodies or who have received an irrevocable sentence of conviction for a non-negligent crime or have been subjected to prevention measures as well as those who have been dismissed from public offices or exempted from employment in a public administration due to persistent insufficient performance or have been declared forfeited from state employment.

Fire Brigade Competition 2024, 350 places: how to apply

As anticipated, the application to participate in the competition must be sent electronically exclusively through the application available by connecting to the Fire Brigade Competitions Portal until July 20, 2024.

To do this you will need to go to the page and select the “Public Competition” section. The login page will open with which it will be possible to access the procedure via SPID or CIE.

Once logged in you will find yourself in home page of the competition portal where it will be possible to check the applications already submitted, update your contact details in the personal data sheet and submit a new application. At this point you will need to click on “Submit a question”.

fire fighters competition homepage
fire brigade competition 2024 requests 350 places

The list of competitions in which it is possible to participate will open, it will therefore be necessary to select the 2024 Fire Brigade Competition for 350 places. Once the competition has been selected, the application procedure will open, divided into 7 steps.
Step 1 is the personal data sheet. In this sheet you will need to indicate an address Certified mail (PEC), in this article there is a guide to creating a PEC address with the related costs.

Step 2 instead concerns the qualification. Please remember that the diploma of secondary school. It will be necessary to enter the type of diploma, the location where it was obtained and the year of achievement.

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Step 3 concerns the indication of any preference titles. In step 4 it will be necessary to indicate any membership of the National Fire Brigade or the right to the reserves described in the previous paragraphs.

In step 4 you can instead indicate any right of access to reserves of places. It is recalled that for the 2024 Fire Brigade Competition:

  • 45% of the places are reserved for volunteers in fixed positions of the armed forces;
  • 35% of the positions are reserved for volunteer personnel of the National Fire Brigade Corps who, on the deadline for submitting applications, have been registered in the appropriate lists for at least three years and have completed no less than one hundred and twenty days of service.
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In step 5 you can instead enter any licenses held which give additional points when evaluating the qualifications. The list of evaluable licenses is present in Attachment B of the notice.

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Fire Brigade Competition 2024, 350 places: send application

Step 6, the final step, is dedicated to sending the application. On this page you must declare that you have read the announcement in its entirety and the privacy policy. Only after checking these two elements can you click on the “Send your question” button at the bottom of the page

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Once the application has been sent, by accessing the “My questions” section of the competition portal it will be possible to modify the sent application or cancel it.

Fire Brigade Competition 2024, 350 places: tests and how to prepare

The selection will be divided into the following phases:

  • Pre-selective test;
  • Motor-aptitude tests;
  • Valuation of securities.

There pre-selective test consists of solving multiple choice questions on the following subjects:

  • history of Italy from 1861 to today;
  • elements of chemistry and physics;
  • logical-deductive and analytical questions, aimed at exploring intellectual and reasoning abilities;
  • questions aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the use of equipment and
    most popular computer applications and the English language.

A number of candidates equal to 10 times the number of places available for competition are admitted to take the subsequent tests; Candidates who have obtained a score equal to the last of those admitted are also admitted to the exams. The information regarding the pre-selective test will be published on 10 September 2024 on InPA and on the institutional website.

The motor-aptitude tests are aimed at ascertaining the possession of physical efficiency and the predisposition to exercise the functions of the role of firefighters, also possibly with reference to the use of equipment and operational means and are aimed at ascertaining the capacity for strength, resistance, of balance, coordination, motor reaction, aquatic skills, as well as the ability to carry out the activity of a firefighter. Each motor-aptitude test is intended
passed if the candidate obtains a vote of at least 21/30. The tests are described inAttachment A of the announcement.

There valuation of securitiesfinally, it will concern exclusively the titles present in theAnnex B of the notice and may award up to 5 additional points. The scores of the titles are not cumulative with each other.

The Manual

Fire Brigade Competition – 350 operators

it is an indispensable tool for preparing for all the tests of the competition announced by the Ministry of the Interior for 350 firefighters. The text addresses all subjects requests for the pre-selection test, to which are added video examples of the motor-aptitude tests of previous competitions. The text is also available on Amazon.

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