Child died in the well in Palazzolo Acreide, an autopsy is pending

Child died in the well in Palazzolo Acreide, an autopsy is pending
Child died in the well in Palazzolo Acreide, an autopsy is pending

The case related to the death of the 10-year-old boy who fell into an artesian well in the Syracuse area on June 28 is still unclear. An autopsy is awaited. With the forensic examination, the first entries in the register of suspects have also been made: a mandatory act that allows people potentially involved to nominate consultants to assist in a technically unrepeatable act. The register of suspects, charged with manslaughter, according to what has been learned so far, includes six educators – who accompanied the child and about twenty other children, some disabled, to a visit to an educational farm included in the summer camp organized by the Anffas Foundation ‘Doniamo Sorrisi’ – and the owner of the structure that the children were supposed to visit and president of the non-profit organization. The position of the volunteer who lowered herself into the well to help the victim.

The investigations into the accounts of the incident

The Carabinieri, who yesterday carried out an inspection in the area of ​​the accident with the Prosecutor of Syracuse, have however already begun to interview the young witnesses, the friends of the victim who took part in the visit, who however provided different versions of what happened. Some confirmed that the child climbed onto the cover of the well by jumping and that he broke through the trap door and fell down, others would have reported a different account of the facts. Two leaders of the association will also be questioned who, however, were not present yesterday. And only in the next few days will it be possible to listen to all the companions.

The timing of the rescue efforts is also being examined

The Prosecutor’s Office also wants to verify the timing of the rescue, who was responsible for supervising the children and whether the well had been made safe. The story of Salvatore La Rosa, a man who lives near the area where the well is located, also needs to be evaluated. “After falling, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he asked for help,” he said. Speaking with Tgr Sicily he also reported the attempts of the teachers, in particular the 54-year-old who was injured, to save the little boy. “The lady went down there with her bare hands, waiting for help” which, according to La Rosa, arrived “after about two hours”. But everything is to be verified: investigators do not know, for example, that the parents of the child, who also have two other children, were able to speak to him. Meanwhile, investigators will carry out investigations into the timing of the rescue. “The firefighters of Palazzolo Acreide – the Department of Firefighters and Civil Rescue stated in the evening – arrived at Contrada Falabbia in just over ten minutes from the emergency call received from the operations room”. Once on site, the firefighters “immediately lowered themselves into the well and recovered the girl, unfortunately they were unable to do anything to save the child”.

in-depth analysis

Child Dead in Well, At Least 6 Under Investigation. Mother’s Grief

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