A series of workshops for families with children up to 6 years old

A series of workshops for families with children up to 6 years old
A series of workshops for families with children up to 6 years old

A series of events dedicated to families with children up to six years of age. It is called “Growing together” and is the initiative organized by the Zonal Pedagogical Coordination carried out within the Pez childhood of the Tuscany Region. The Municipality of Grosseto, the leading body in the area, is collaborating on the project.
“We are proud – explain Mayor Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna and Councilor for Education Angela Amante – to actively contribute to this important series of events dedicated to better understanding children and their needs: thanks to the commitment of professionals in the sector, very sensitive issues will be addressed clearly”.
Participation is free.

The project is scheduled to start on July 2nd at 5pm with “Growing together by playing”.
Then, to follow, this is the calendar of events: “the language of emotions (July 9 at 5 pm); “supporting self-esteem in boys and girls (July 16 at 5 pm), “rules and tantrums” (July 23 at 5 pm). To participate in the meetings, you must register by accessing https://forms.gle/kLxCrgRWGmWsvqdo8.

Each course will be available remotely, via the link for participation on the meet platform: meet.google.com/vdibzog-rtv. For information, you can write to [email protected].

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