Bad weather, Metropolitan City of Turin begins damage assessment

Bad weather, Metropolitan City of Turin begins damage assessment
Bad weather, Metropolitan City of Turin begins damage assessment

The estimate of the damage on the provincial roads by the Metropolitan City of Turin is constantly being updated in the aftermath of the exceptional wave of bad weather which devastated entire areas in the Orco and Soana valleys, the Lanzo valleys and the Lanzo valleys on Saturday and Sunday 29 and 30 June. Canavese.

After having promptly started the interventions to free the roads from rocks and mud, now the amount of work to be set up in extreme urgency is being defined: Locana, Noasca, Chialamberto and Grosacavallo are the municipalities most affected.

Damage assessment

The traffic technicians of the metropolitan city of Turin have begun to draw up a first estimate of the damage, which remains in continuous evolution: for the restoration of the minimum conditions of traffic, the estimated amount of expenditure is approximately 75 thousand euros which are in addition to those necessary for the interventions to be planned raising the initial estimates to at least 500 thousand euros for interventions to be planned, without taking into account the cleaning and safety of the Fornolosa gully (slope drainage channel) which caused the large landslide on SP 460.

First of all, it is a question of restoring the minimum conditions of safe transit with the removal of boulders, debris and plants from the road, to free the blocked channels and to verify the safety conditions of the bridges.

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