Ragusa, Ibla Grand Prize returns celebrating its 33rd edition

Ragusa, Ibla Grand Prize returns celebrating its 33rd edition
Ragusa, Ibla Grand Prize returns celebrating its 33rd edition

Countdown to the new edition, the 33rd, of “Ibla Grand Prize”, the prestigious international music and singing competition promoted by the Ibla Foundation, with the artistic direction of maestro Salvatore Moltisanti. The event, which will take place from 7 to 11 July 2024 in Ragusa Ibla, is an unmissable event for young musical talents from all over the world. The competition offers participants the opportunity to perform in front of a jury of industry experts, composed of conductors, producers and impresarios. The winners will have the opportunity to perform in the most important theaters in Europe, Asia and America, a unique opportunity to make themselves known and start an international career. The competing artists are selected through a rigorous process of evaluation of their curriculum and their performances, which are judged by a highly qualified jury.

During the competition, the competitors perform in different categories, trying to obtain the approval of the jury to have the opportunity to perform in the most prestigious theaters in the world, as happened just a few weeks ago to the winners of the last edition, who concluded the tour performing at Carnegie Hall in New York. The event takes place over several days and in various historical locations in Ragusa Ibla, allowing the public to enjoy music in suggestive and fascinating contexts. The musical performances will all take place from 8.30pm to 11.30pm at the Donnafugata Theater on 7 and 8 July, at the Sala Falcone Borsellino on 7, 8, 10 and 11 July, at the San Vincenzo Ferreri Auditorium from 7 to 11 July and finally in the courtyard of Palazzo Ottaviano Bruno on 7, 8, 10 and 11 July, in this case starting from 9.00 pm. Particularly significant is the appointment at Villa Anna in Ispica, on July 9th with a beautiful gala concert with free admission.

Salvatore Moltisanti, artistic director of the event, relaunches the event that will also see the return of Princess Dewi Sukarno, a great supporter of the international competition for years: “This year, the Ibla Grand Prize celebrates its 33rd edition. We are proud to continue promoting international musical talent in such an evocative setting as Ragusa Ibla. Music is a universal language that unites, and this competition is a demonstration of its power. Every year we see young musicians of extraordinary talent who bring with them not only their music, but also different stories and cultures, thus enriching our event and our community”. The mayor of Ragusa, Peppe Cassì, expressed great enthusiasm: “The event not only enriches our city culturally, but also offers an important showcase for young talents from all over the world. Ragusa Ibla confirms itself once again as a crossroads of cultures and arts. It is an event that attracts visitors and enthusiasts, promoting not only music but also our cultural and artistic heritage”. Patrizia Valenti, commissioner of the Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa, is on the same wavelength: “Our support for the Ibla Grand Prize is an investment in culture and community. The Ragusa brand is also built thanks to high-profile events, capable of enhancing our provincial territory, relaunching it in a broader context. Music is a universal language, it transcends borders and has the power to unite people, especially when it involves young international artists who come to this part of Sicily. An experience that enriches the Iblea community and, at the same time, speaks of the province of Ragusa to the world”. The event enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Ragusa, the Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa and the Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa, in addition to the support of local sponsors and associations. For more information, you can visit the official website of the event www.ibla.org

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