USA 2024, the NYT asks Biden to withdraw: “He is no longer up to the task”

USA 2024, the NYT asks Biden to withdraw: “He is no longer up to the task”
USA 2024, the NYT asks Biden to withdraw: “He is no longer up to the task”

“To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race.” This is the – very harsh – title of the editorial of the board of New York Timesafter the disastrous performance of the Democratic candidate for the White House in the TV duel against Donald Trump (The 10 key points of the debate – Possible alternatives to Biden). “Biden – we read in the article – has claimed to be the candidate with the best chances of facing this threatens tyranny and to defeat it. His argument is based largely on the fact that he beat Trump in 2020. But that is no longer sufficient motivation for why Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.”

The New York Times editorial

Il Now then he underlines: “Voters cannot be expected to ignore what was evident: Biden is no longer the man he was four years ago.” For the US newspaper, during the clash on TV with Trump, the president appeared “like the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would achieve in a second term. He struggled to respond to Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Trump to account for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once he struggled to get to the end of a sentence.” The president’s performance, argues the anchor Now“cannot be written off as a bad night or blamed on a supposed cold, because it confirms concerns that have been building for months or even years. Even when Biden has tried to lay out his policy proposals, he has stumbled. He cannot be counterbalanced by more public appearances because he has limited and carefully controlled his public appearances.” “The truth Biden now faces is that he has failed his own test,” the paper insists, encouraging the party to seek candidates “better equipped to present clear, compelling and forceful alternatives to a second Trump presidency.”

in-depth analysis

US elections, can the Democrats replace Biden?

Obama: ‘Bad nights in debates happen’

Despite the debate going badly, and despite sources revealing that there is strong concern within the Dems about the repercussions that Biden’s disappointing performance will have on the polls, many “big” names have immediately sided with the president. Among them is Barack Obama. “Bad debate nights happen, believe me I know something about them. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary people all his life and someone who only thinks about himself. Between someone who speaks the truth, who knows what is right and wrong and someone with a mind that seeks benefit. Last night did not change that. The stakes in November are high,” said the former president.

in-depth analysis

Biden, Dem alarm after debate. “I wouldn’t run if I couldn’t do it”

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