III Colombian Congress of Speleology: A Meeting of Study and Discovery

III Colombian Congress of Speleology: A Meeting of Study and Discovery
III Colombian Congress of Speleology: A Meeting of Study and Discovery

Three days of events in Antioquia with the participation of international experts

From 24 to 27 June 2024, the 3rd Colombian Speleology Congress was held in Antioquia, organized by the Colombian Speleological Federation (ESPELEOCOL).

The event was attended by numerous experts and enthusiasts in the sector, including the Italian group La Venta, which presented the results of its recent explorations.

During the three days of the conference, La Venta shared his experiences on the Yarì project in the Amazon and on the expedition to the El Peñón plateau.

The Yarì project, in particular, was the subject of a presentation by Professor Carlos A. Lasso of the Humboldt Institute, who illustrated the results of biospeleology studies on the aquatic fauna of the quartzite caves in the Caquetà area.

Colombia, with its rich biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, offers numerous opportunities for caving.

The caves that open along the walls of the canyons, often inaccessible and unknown, represent a fascinating field of study for speleologists.

The La Venta “Colombia 2023” expedition, organized in collaboration with the Colombian Speleological Federation and the EspeleoCol group, documented an immense portal in the El Peñón canyon, located in the department of Antioquia.

This portal, about 50 meters wide and 20 meters high, opens about 200 meters below the top of the canyon and leads to a cave with various branches, between mountains of guano and super-concretion tunnels¹.

The congress represented an important opportunity for discussion and exchange of knowledge between Italian and Colombian speleologists. The “Proyecto Espeleológico Colombia” project, started in 2019, has already led to the discovery and documentation of over 50 caves, some of which are of considerable scientific and landscape interest¹.

During the congress, issues related to the conservation of Colombia’s speleological heritage were also addressed.

The recent Law 2237 of 2022, which protects this heritage, has been at the center of discussions, with the aim of implementing and regulating new provisions to ensure the protection of caves and their environmental peculiarities².

The 3rd Colombian Speleology Congress concluded with the promise to continue working together for the valorization and protection of Colombian caves, a natural heritage of inestimable value.

¹: Sparkle
²: Sparkle

Speleology in Colombia: A Heritage to Discover

Colombia, with its rich biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, offers numerous opportunities for caving.

The caves that open along the walls of the canyons, often inaccessible and unknown, represent a fascinating field of study for speleologists.

The La Venta “Colombia 2023” expedition, organized in collaboration with the Colombian Speleological Federation and the EspeleoCol group, documented an immense portal in the El Peñón canyon, located in the department of Antioquia.

This portal, about 50 meters wide and 20 meters high, opens about 200 meters below the top of the canyon and leads to a cave with various branches, between mountains of guano and super-concretion tunnels.

The “Proyecto Espeleológico Colombia” project, launched in 2019, has already led to the discovery and documentation of over 50 caves, some of which are of notable scientific and landscape interest.

The recent Law 2237 of 2022, which protects this heritage, was at the center of discussions during the 3rd Colombian Speleology Congress, with the aim of implementing and regulating new provisions to ensure the protection of caves and their environmental peculiarities.

(1) The La Venta expedition to discover the caves of Colombia. https://www.scintilena.com/la-spedizione-la-venta-alla-scoperta-delle-grotte-della-colombiaha-raggiunto-e-documentato-un-immense-portale-nel-canyon-di-el-penon/12/03/.
(2) The III Colombian Congress of Speleology in Medellín in 2024. https://www.scintilena.com/il-iii-congresso-colombiano-di-speleologia-a-medellin-nel-2024/01/09/.
(3) La Venta sui tepuy in Colombia for the Quartzite Project. https://www.scintilena.com/la-venta-sui-tepuy-in-colombia-per-il-progetto-quartziti/03/24/.

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