A prayer bridge between Caravaggio and Inzago for the little girl fished out from under water at Aquaneva park

A prayer bridge between Caravaggio and Inzago for the little girl fished out from under water at Aquaneva park
A prayer bridge between Caravaggio and Inzago for the little girl fished out from under water at Aquaneva park

Inzago (Milan) – A rosary last night, organized without delay, in the courtyard oforatory of San Luigi in Caravaggio, and since yesterday afternoon the invitation to all the speakers of the diocese of Cremona for a “prayer chain”in the name of the only eleven-year-old girl who was the victim of a still mysterious person illness in the swimming pool at Aquaneva park, and still hospitalized in intensive care at the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo. The invitation came directly from the bishop of Cremona, Antonio Napolioni. Who yesterday, while visiting some grests in the pastoral area, he wanted to reach for a brief meeting Caravaggio’s children returned from the Inzaga trip, and still shocked by what happened.

The conditions of the little girl, a fifth grader, were still very serious but stationary last night. Investigations into the dynamics of the drama are underway by the local police of Inzago. A few cars parked yesterday morning at the water park in the countryside south of Inzago where, early in the morning, she had arrived the Bergamo group from the San Luigi oratory, parish of Saints Fermo and Rustico, five buses with dozens of elementary and middle school children. Shortly before 11, the drama: the little girl motionless under water spotted by a lifeguard, the rescue, the resuscitation maneuvers, the transport to hospital under code red. Not a word, at the exit of the water park, from the parish priest of Caravaggio, Don Giansante Fusar Emperor, well known in the Martesana area and for years parish priest in Cassano d’Adda, visibly affected by the incident. In the afternoon, at the park, the normal coming and going of cars and kids on foot, bags on their shoulders and swimsuits already on.

Some bathers leaving witnessed the morning’s sequence: “They made us get out of the water and asked us to stay away. Then the helicopter arrived.”. The park manager does not deny a few words Mara Invernice, “Although there is very little I can say. We have trained staff, the little girl was subjected to resuscitation procedures. She did not regain consciousness. We are waiting to hear news.” The prayer bridge from Caravaggio to Inzago, where many heard the roar of the helicopter late in the morning. And social media is one voice: “Poor little girl, let’s hope she makes it.”

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