What will happen in the Europe of food, now that Fratelli d’Italia has won the European Championships?

Fratelli d’Italia flies over 28% to these European ones. And it is true that he is being pursued by Elly Schlein’s PD (which takes home a good 24.1%, which could have been 34 if added to the votes taken by the Five Star Movement), but the truth is that this result, for many , And the personal triumph of Giorgia Meloni. And it is a sign that the policy activated by this government has brought good results for its electorate, which evidently wanted to reward Giorgia & Co. for the work done.

A job, upon closer inspection, that has a lot to do with the food. It is no coincidence – we have already said – that Francesco Lollobrigida, Meloni’s brother-in-law and trusted man of the government, is Minister of Agriculture: that, for the Meloni Government, is a key sector, in which a large part of the electorate is concentrated. And it is there that Fratelli d’Italia probably received the best applause: from farmers, who feel supported, protected, supported by this government, between defense of Made in Italy, fight against cultivated meat and various – or critical – innovations that could endanger traditional farming, even (possibly) sacrificing more environmentalist choices, if necessary.

Therefore, this line has paid off, because many voters, who see their interests being defended, actually work with food. And who voted (who knows if they actually knew it), a electoral program that talks a lot about food.

What the Fratelli d’Italia program says about food

Food, in the Fratelli d’Italia program for the 2024 European Championships, already appears on page 5. Chapter two of the program (“with farmers, custodians of the environment and food sovereignty“) appears to be written in his own hand by Minister Lollobrigida.

The Green Deal has targeted the agricultural sector, denying its fundamental role in the conservation and protection of the territory, in guaranteeing quality products and in the valorisation of rural areas”, says the FdI programme. “Farmers have been seen as a “problem”, in reality they are a precious resource to deal with the climate crisis. In Europe, we have fought and will continue to fight to enhance agriculture and defend the age-old link between land, population, livestock and food, and to protect work and Italian food and wine excellence, cultural heritage and protection of the territories“.

The proposals include the “Review the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)” but also the “Review of the legislation on the “Restoration of nature” so as not to penalize agriculture and livestock farming“. For the record, the Nature Restoration Law provides for EU countries theobligation to restore at least 30% of degraded land and marine areas (forests, prairies, wetlands, rivers, lakes, corals) by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050. Here, in the name of defending Agriculture, FdI puts the revision of this rule in its government program. Obviously, there is no shortage”the battle against the production and marketing of meat and synthetic foods” and the defense of the wine sector, “denouncing any initiative that indicates the mere consumption of products from the supply chain as harmful to health“. Here it is not clear whether the government intends to fight the idea that wine is bad for your health, an idea which is also unanimously supported (even by the Ministry of Health, for that matter).

The “Eco-follies” of Fratelli d’Italia

giorgia meloni ham

Chapter three of the Fratelli d’Italia program is still about food, all things considered. The theme is the one defined by “eco-madness”.

The achievement of climate objectives must be economically and socially sustainable, without ideological approaches, unattainable objectives and disproportionate burdens for citizens and businesses”, says the program, reporting the thoughts already widely expressed by Lollobrigida. “The eco-follies of the Green Deal written by the European left condemn us to an “unfortunate degrowth”. We want to change these rules and create the conditions to safeguard the environment, making our businesses more sustainable and competitive“, goes on.

Not only that: there is also fishing in the FdI program for the European Championships, which is said to be necessary “recognize the socio-economic importance“, “with more effective European legislation that respects national contexts, which guarantees sustainability and profitability for fishermen“. Here too, the theme is once again ecological, with the EU often pointing out that it is necessary to take a more sustainable path, because the pressure on the Mediterranean has become worrying.

In short, Lollobrigida-thinking seems to dominate the Fratelli d’Italia program for these European elections, confirming the centrality of the sector for Giorgia Meloni and her electorate.

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