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applications by July 5th

applications by July 5th
applications by July 5th

In Piedmont, a 600 euro voucher for those who hire a carer: additional resources are available for the “domiciliary voucher”, the monthly contribution paid by the Piedmont Region under the “Scelta Sociale” measure launched in February 2023.

Fidaldo, the Italian Federation of Domestic Employers, explains this in a press release. The voucher is valid for a maximum of 24 months and can be used for the purchase of family assistance services for non-self-sufficient people (elderly or disabled people) residing in Piedmont. The available financial endowment is over 10 million euros and, in this edition, only those who have already submitted an application that was “admitted but not funded” (due to lack of resources) will be able to request the voucher by resubmitting their application. Applications must be submitted by July 5th.

“It is important to remember that the ‘Social Choice’ voucher can be accessed by those who are not already recipients of other economic support, such as care allowances but also contributions for the family caregiver rather than other monetary transfers intended for home care support – underlines Alfredo Savia, president of Fidaldo -. It is in fact a measure with which the Piedmont Region has intended to broaden the spectrum of support for non-self-sufficiency and care work. If you are not self-sufficient in order to receive the bonus, you can consult the dedicated page of our Fidaldo Atlas”.

How to apply

The request must be submitted online, through the “Scelta Sociale” portal of the Piedmont Region, to access which you must use the Spid credentials or the electronic identity card (Cie) or the national services card (Cns). In the event that home care is guaranteed thanks to the care work provided by family assistants, to receive the “home care voucher” a family assistance service must be active with the stipulation of a regular subordinate employment contract with a family assistant, lasting at least 12 months, for a minimum of 16 hours of service per week. The voucher is also recognized in the case of a professional assignment – with the same requirements of duration and minimum number of hours per week and equal professional requirements – for the provision of a home care service by a family assistant who carries out the activity as a freelancer.

Domestic work in Piedmont

According to Fidaldo, there are 63,480 contributing domestic workers registered by INPS in 2023 in Piedmont (in Italy there are more than 894 thousand). Family assistants (carers) are 31,397, down compared to 2022 and confirming the decreasing trend observed starting from 2020, when there were well over 35 thousand. Today, approximately 30 thousand of the family assistants resident in Piedmont are women, and 1,600 are men. As regards nationality, in all the Piedmont provinces the presence of foreign carers (22,852) prevails over the Italian ones (6,898).

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