liguria the results of the 2024 European elections

In Liguria Fratelli d’Italia is the first party with 26.77%, even exceeding the political figure, when it reached 24.11%, but the Democratic Party makes a leap forward and follows very closely, with 26, 29 %, exceeding the figure for the last regional elections five years ago, when it had reached 24.94% in the region, and that of the political elections, when it had obtained 22.67% of the votes. On Genoa it even came in first place with 28.68% of the votes, overtaking Fratelli d’Italia which reached 24.09% in the Metropolitan City. The Five Stars follow at 10.19%, down compared to the 16.49% of the last European ones and the 12.79% of the political ones. They fared a little better in Genoa, where they achieved 11.20%.

Lega and Forza Italia are placed shoulder to shoulder, the Lega at 8.88% (7.41% in Genoa) and Forza Italia at 8.43% (7.52% in Genoa), but for the Lega it is a real collapse given that in the last European elections it was the first party with 33.88%, more or less four times the votes obtained in this round and in any case it had still obtained 9.28% in the general elections.

Alleanza Verdi Sinistra wins 7.68% (8.42% in Genoa), while United States of Europe is at 3.74% and Azione Siamo Europa stops at 3.53% (better in Genoa, where it reaches 4 .13%), Pace Terra Dignità takes 3.05%, Libertà 0.92%, Alternativa Popolare 0.33% and Rassemblement Valdotain 0.19%.

The Democratic Party is also the first party in Spicewhere it reaches 28.26% against 27.58% of Fratelli d’Italia, while at Savona Fratelli d’Italia leads with 29.35% and the Democratic Party is at 23.09% and Imperia Fratelli d’Italia is at 33.41% and the Democratic Party at 18.76%. In Spezia the other lists get: M5S 9.91%, the League 8.42%, Forza Italia 8.29%, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra 6.79%, United States of Europe 3.63%, Peace Earth Dignity 3.46%, Action We Are Europe 2.55%, Freedom 0.67%, Popular Alternative 0.32% and Rassemblement Valdotain 0.14%. In Savona, after Fratelli d’Italia and Pd, the League comes in second with 11.11%, then Forza Italia 9.37%, M5S 8.93%, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra 7.15%, United States of Europe 3, 48%, Action We are Europe 3.14%, Pace Terra Dignità 2.83%, Libertà 0.99%, Alleanza Popolare 0.35% and Rassemblement Valdotain 0.22%. In Imperia after Fratelli d’Italia and Pd comes the League with 12.29%, Forza Italia 10.62%, M5S 8.08%, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra 6.37%, United States of Europe 3.41%, Peace Earth Dignity 2.87%, Action We Are Europe 2.68%, Freedom 0.94%, Popular Alliance 0.39%, Rassemblement Valdotain 0.19%. If comparisons are made with the latest regional elections overall, the center right loses 80 thousand votes and the left gains 31 thousand, the center right reaches 274 thousand votes, the center left 275 thousand.

The overall turnout in Liguria is decreasing, to 50.61% compared to 58.50% in the previous European ones, but does not fall below the psychological threshold of 50%

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