Young gymnasts win golden experience at national stage – Gazzettino di Gela

Young gymnasts win golden experience at national stage – Gazzettino di Gela
Young gymnasts win golden experience at national stage – Gazzettino di Gela

Rimini – The gymnasts of the Gymnastics Club returned home with a precious baggage: that of a national experience that, although not crowned by podiums, represents a fundamental piece in their path of sporting and personal growth.

The national phase of the Italian Gymnastics Federation’s Gymnastics Championship proved to be a challenging test for the young athletes, who competed against the best performers of the discipline from all over Italy. Although the rankings do not fully reflect their abilities, the gymnasts of the Gymnastics Club demonstrated grit, tenacity and great team spirit.

“This championship was an important opportunity for our girls – the Technicians, Ester Greco and Giusi Renna – to test themselves with the best gymnasts in Italy. Of course, we would have hoped for better results, but what matters most is the experience they have gained and that they will carry with them forever.”

The national experience represents an important turning point for the growth of these young athletes. They were able to compete with the best interpreters of the discipline, measuring their level and becoming aware of their potential.
Certainly, as the Sports Director, Valter Miccichè, says, “maturity also comes from experiences.

And from this experience, our girls certainly come out stronger and more determined. They are ready to get back into the game with even more determination and to work hard to achieve their goals”, also in view of their participation in a European event that we will talk about shortly.

Upon their return to the venue, they will be awarded by both the Mayor of Gela, for the gymnasts from Gela, and by the Mayor of Niscemi for the athletes from Niscemi.
The enthusiasm and passion that shine in the eyes of these young gymnasts are the best demonstration that this championship, although not rich in medals, has left an indelible mark on their path.

A sign that will guide them towards new goals and successes. The Gymnasts are: Carla Mandrà, Ileana Pardo, Matilde Morinello, Danya Arena, Flavia Di Dio, Alice Amato, Ilaria Mozzicato.

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