Electricity and gas bills, the Antitrust starts moral suasion action against thirteen energy companies

Lack of clarity in contractual conditions such as those relating to prices and all cost items and possible greenwashingthat is, claiming to have virtuous behavior from an environmental point of view without providing proof in this regard. The Antitrust has initiated moral suasion action against 13 companies active in the supply of electricity and gas on the free market. This was announced by the Market Competition Authority, explaining that “the offers advertised online were not fully compliant with the consumer protection regulations”. The companies receiving the moral suasion are Acea, E.On, Hera, Illumia, Jen Energia, Dolomiti Energia, Axpo Italia (Pulsee Luce & Gas), Ajò Energia, Ecom-Energu Comune, Agsm Aim Energia, Wekiwi, Omnia Energia, Simple Gas & Electricity.

Monitoring in view of the end of protection

In particular – reports the Agcm – in view of the expected cessation of the protected market which will end on 30 June (here is a complete and simple guide to goats and what will happen) «the Authority monitored the commercial offers proposed by the main electricity and gas sales companies present on the free market to verify the transparency and completeness of the promotional information provided to consumers, with regard to both the economic components and the environmental claims. The Authority found critical issues in the various cost items because the indication of some charges that make up the price of energy was missing”. At the end of the monitoring, an invitation to participate was addressed to the interested companies integrate its promotional information in a clear and exhaustive way, by indicating all the charges (discretionally foreseen by the sales companies) that make up the energy expenditure».

The green claims

Regarding green claims (i.e self-declarations that the manufacturer transmits to the market to communicate the environmental characteristics of a product)it emerged that some statements by the companies did not provide detailed and certified information on the concrete actions carried out. The Authority has asked to prepare complete and correct information on green claims, accompanied by certifications and declarations relating to environmental claims, which can be easily consulted. These latest interventions – concludes the note – “are part of the continuous and strong attention that the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority is paying and will continue to pay to the electricity and gas market”.

Consumer associations

«With the action communicated today the Antitrust has confirmed what Assoutenti has been denouncing for some time – states the honorary president and energy manager Furio Truzzi – that is, the lack of clarity of many commercial offers regarding electricity and gas supplies. Now, however, the Authority must shift its spotlight to the critical issues that accompany the end of the protected electricity marketbecause the real problem at present is the transition from the free market to the more convenient Gradual Protection Service which will start on July 1st, a transition where uncertainties reign, poor information for users, obstacles, capable of causing enormous economic damage to users ». For Codacons, the moral suasion initiated by the Antitrust is not enough and sanctions are needed for operators who do not adequately guarantee users’ rights.

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