Ravenna, season tickets for the theatre season from 22nd July

Ravenna, season tickets for the theatre season from 22nd July
Ravenna, season tickets for the theatre season from 22nd July
From Monday 22 July the season ticket campaign for La Season dei Teatri ’24/’25 will start, which ranges from revisited tradition to current events
Those who subscribe by August 3rd will be able to take advantage of discounted rates and the best seats on the shows of their choice

Starting from Monday 22 July, the season ticket campaign for La Sicurezza dei Teatri organized by Ravenna Teatro together with the Municipality of Ravenna opens. As usual, the two theaters of the city, Rasi and Alighieri, will host the Season between November and April. For the second year, a prologue is planned which will take place starting from September.

Will the new Theater Season be characterized by delves into a revisited tradition, as in the case of the Arlecchino shows? and Moby Dick to the test, signed respectively by the director Marco Baliani and Elio De Capitani, considerations on the theme of work, introduced by the most famous accountant in Italy, Ugo Fantozzi, here played by the comedian Gianni Fantoni, reflections on being a woman, yesterday as today, proposed by Marta Cuscunà, Geppi Cucciari, Concita De Gregorio, Maša Pelko and Chiara Lagani, introspections into the human soul provided by the work of Nicola Lagioia – who gives the title to the show of the VicoQuartoMazzini company, La ferocia – as happens in Street of the people. The next Season will also be characterized by the new work created by Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari and dedicated to the figure of Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

The subscription formula includes six fixed titles and two optional ones, for a total of twenty appointments.

The program will contain six fixed shows and fourteen to choose from and from Monday 22nd July it will be possible to subscribe to the Theater Season by creating your own participation path: those who do so by 3rd August will be able to take advantage of discounted rates and better seats for the shows of their choice.

The six regular shows, scheduled at the Alighieri Theatre, are: Perfetta, a text by Mattia Torre performed by Geppi Cucciari that recalls how the menstrual cycle influences women’s lives; Letters to Bernini, the new work by the director from Ravenna Marco Martinelli on the greatest exponent of Baroque figurative art, Gian Lorenzo Bernini; Fantozzi. A tragedy, directed by Davide Livermore who leads Gianni Fantoni on stage to immortalize Italy’s most famous accountant; Arlecchino? a show by Marco Baliani, starring Andrea Pennacchi, that tells of an Italy full of contradictions; Moby Dick alla prova, a show by Elio De Capitani that is based on Orson Welles’ adaptation of Melville’s novel; L’angelo della storia, a text by Teatro Sotterraneo that draws inspiration from Walter Benjamin’s latest work and represents the metaphor of advancing progress.

The list of titles that make up the shows of your choice includes Altri libertini, based on the novel of the same name by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, directed by Licia Lanera and featuring, among others, the actor Roberto Magnani from Le Albe; Impronte dell’anima, in homage to the day of remembrance; the two projects by Fanny & Alexander entitled Manson and Maternità; the show Un’ultima cosa. Cinque invettive, sette donne e un funerale, which sees the journalist Concita De Gregorio and the singer-songwriter Erica Mou on stage; Fratellina, a show that won the 2023 Le Maschere del Teatro Award; Via del popolo, by and with Saverio La Ruina; Five Kinds Of Silence, by the Slovenian director Maša Pelko who addresses the drama of family violence; My Body Solo, a show produced by Nanou; Mulinobianco. Back to the green future, a reflection by Babilonia Teatri on the environment; La ferocia, based on the homonymous masterpiece by Nicola Lagioia; Voodoo, a show by Masque Teatro; La semplicità truffata. Satire for actresses and puppets on the luxury of being women, in which Marta Cuscunà questions the female condition taking inspiration from the resistance carried out by the nuns of the convent of Santa Chiara in Udine in the 16th century. The program closes with the show Sarabanda, inspired by the work of Ingmar Bergman, on the blurred border between theater and cinema.

The Season is completed by a prologue consisting of four events that will follow one another starting from September.

Also this year Ravenna Teatro offers residents of the Northern and Southern Districts of the municipality of Ravenna and residents of those of Voltana and Alfonsine the opportunity to go to the theater using a free transport service. Season ticket plus shuttle 146 euros / under 26 50 euros.

Finally, great attention continues to be paid to those under 26 years of age, who will be able to take advantage of subscriptions at popular prices.


It is possible to renew or purchase the subscription from Monday 22 July to Saturday 3 August and from Monday 9 September to Monday 4 November. Subscribing in the summer allows you to access discounted rates and reserve the best seats for the titles of your choice. The right of first refusal expires on Thursday 17 October.

Please respect the assigned shifts and the chosen dates. The shift change must be communicated to the box office before the show date. The subscriber can guarantee a seat among those still available on another evening at a cost of €5. The shifts for Perfetta are: Friday 22 November shift B, Saturday 23 November shift C, Saturday 12 April shift A, Sunday 13 April shift D.

The subscription includes 8 appointments
6 fixed titles:
Perfect, Letters to Bernini, Fantozzi. A tragedy, Harlequin?, Moby Dick on the test, The angel of history
2 titles to choose from:
Other Libertines, Imprints of the Soul, Manson, Motherhood, One Last Thing. Five invectives, seven women and a funeral, Fratellina, Via del Popolo, Five Kinds Of Silence, My body solo, MulinoBianco, La ferocia, Voodoo, Lamplitude deceived, Sarabanda

From Monday 22nd July to Saturday 3rd August
Stalls and stage 1st, 2nd and 3rd order of the Alighieri Theatre, 1st sector of the Rasi Theatre
full price €154, reduced* €138, under26 €50, Meet the Parents (under20+parent) €160
Gallery and stage IV order Alighieri Theatre, II sector Rasi Theatre
full price €107, reduced* €96, under26 €40, Meet the Parents (under20+parent) €116
Loggia Teatro Alighieri, II sector Teatro Rasi
full price €55, under 26 €38

From Monday 9 September to Monday 4 November
Stalls and stage 1st, 2nd and 3rd order of the Alighieri Theatre, 1st sector of the Rasi Theatre
full €165, reduced* €146, under26 €50, Meet the Parents (under20+parent) €167
Gallery and stage IV order Alighieri Theatre, II sector Rasi Theatre
full price €113, reduced* €103, under26 €40, Meet the Parents (under20+parent) €122
Loggia Teatro Alighieri, II sector Teatro Rasi
full price €55, under26 €38

Tickets are on sale from Saturday 9 November at the Teatro Alighieri; by phone with credit card or Satispay; on ravennateatro.com; at the agencies of La Cassa di Ravenna Spa and Iat Ravenna. The advance sale service involves a 10% increase on the ticket price.
Tickets for the shows included in Prologue will be on sale from September 5th.
Prices and purchase methods on ravennateatro.com

Alighieri Theatre
Stalls and stage I, II and III full order €26 reduced* €22 under26 €10
Gallery and stage IV full order €18 reduced* €16 under26 €10
Full gallery €9.00 under 26 €6

Stalls and stage I, II and III tier €40
Gallery and stage IV order €35
Gallery €20

Fantozzi. A tragedy
Stalls and stage I, II and III tier €32
Gallery and stage IV tier €23
Gallery €15

Teatro Rasi
Whole single sector €18
reduced* €16
under26 10 €

*Company Cral, organized groups, teachers, over 65s, TCI Touring Club Italiano, Coop Alleanza 3.0 members, Esp Club Card, Credito Cooperativo members, Arci, Ali Intesa Sanpaolo, Avis, Amici di RavennAntica, Capit, Assicoop, Confcooperative, Coldiretti, Cna, Legacoop, Stadera, Unipol and Euro Company.

All the information on the advantages and promotions for season ticket holders, corporate Cral, organized groups and school groups, Ti presento i miei and the free transport service for spectators in the Forese and Alfonsine areas are published on ravennateatro.com

Alighieri Theatre via Mariani 2 Ravenna
ticket office open every weekday from 10:00 to 13:00, Thursday also from 16:00 to 18:00 and from one hour before each event tel. 0544 249244
Rasi Theatre Via Roma 39 Ravenna
ticket office open on Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm and from one hour before each event tel. 0544 30227

Social Theater via Piangipane 153 Piangipane (Ra)
Malagola Palace Via Roma 118 Ravenna

Ravenna Theater Theater Production Center via di Roma 39 Ravenna
offices open to the public from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00
tel. 0544 36239 [email protected] [email protected]

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