Mayor Lanfranco Principi arrested

Mayor Lanfranco Principi arrested
Mayor Lanfranco Principi arrested

A major anti-mafia operation has hit Aprilia and the province of Latina, leading to the arrest of 25 people for crimes including extortion, usury, crimes against public administration and drug trafficking. Among those arrested is the mayor of Aprilia, Lanfranco Principi, placed under house arrest.

Operation Details

The Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate and the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Latina, under the supervision of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Rome, coordinated the operation. The investigations, which began in March 2018, revealed the existence of a mafia organization rooted in Aprilia and neighboring municipalities.

Contested Crimes

The 25 arrested are accused of being part of a mafia association involved in various crimes, including:

  • Aggravated extortion
  • Usury
  • Drug trafficking
  • Robbery and injuries
  • Threats to the livelihood of detained affiliates
  • Unauthorized exercise of financial activity
  • Possession and carrying of weapons

Objectives of the Mafia Organization

The organization aimed to acquire direct and indirect control of economic activities, contracts and public services, as well as to hinder the free exercise of voting. Criminal activities included the support of detained members and the imposition on the territory through the force of intimidation and the condition of subjugation and silence.

Arrest of the Mayor of Aprilia

The mayor of Aprilia, Lanfranco Principi, is among those arrested. This morning his home was searched, and further searches are currently underway. The investigating judge of Rome has ordered Principi to be placed under house arrest.

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