Alessandria: one arrest and two reported during the White Night at Cristo

Alessandria: one arrest and two reported during the White Night at Cristo
Alessandria: one arrest and two reported during the White Night at Cristo

During the Notte Bianca event in the Cristo neighborhood of Alessandria, which took place on the evening of Saturday, June 22, the complex organization developed on the field by organizers and the Police Headquarters gave excellent results.

Checks during the White Night

Thanks to the teamwork between the police forces, during the White Night in the Cristo neighborhood some incidents that could have harmed the smooth running of the event and public order and safety were quelled.

In particular, the operators of the State Policesupported by a patrol of the Financial Police employed in the same service, they first managed to block an Italian citizen, a 54 year old repeat offender who, in the grip of thealcoholic intoxicationI had a passerby was attacked punching him for no apparent reason. The victim of the beatings was promptly rescued, while the attacker was transported to the Police Headquarters with the help of the Flying Squad of the State Police and reported at liberty for the crime of injury.

During the evening the police officers, always supported by the Guardia di Finanza personnel, 57-year-old Italian citizen arrestedwith a criminal record and subjected to the preventive measure of special surveillance with obligation to stayfor the violation of the obligations provided for by the measure; a subject, moreover, arrested already two other times during the same year for the same crime. The man was found outside his home well beyond the permitted time and, moreover, intent to frequent a bar despite the ban to access places of public entertainment after 6.00 pm. In the following days, after the arrest was validated, the man was subjected by the judicial authority to the precautionary measure ofresidence requirement in the Province of Alessandria.

Finally, he was also reported at liberty a 44 year old Italian citizenwith a criminal record and subjected to the preventive measure of simple special surveillance, again for the violation of the obligations inherent to the measure, as he was spotted at the party well after the permitted time.

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