his wife and young children mourn Lorenzo

his wife and young children mourn Lorenzo
his wife and young children mourn Lorenzo

It is the third victim on the roads of Brescia in a few hours, on a bloody Sunday that is unfortunately unforgettable: Lorenzo Raccagni, born in 1971 and still 53 years old, died in the early afternoon in Costa Volpino, on Lake Iseo, a few hundred meters from the Brescia borders of Pisogne. He was riding his Yamaha motorbike together with his wife Daniela, 51, when – according to the reconstruction by the police – he was hit by a Fiat Panda, driven by an 82-year-old man, who at that moment was entering the main road, in Via Cesare Battisti.

Resuscitated for more than half an hour

Raccagni was thrown from his saddle and fell heavily onto the asphalt: the force of the impact and the injuries he suffered caused him to go into cardiac arrest, and for this reason he was resuscitated for more than half an hour, without success, by the paramedics who intervened. His wife was also injured, who apparently suffered several fractures: she was admitted to the Poliambulanza with a yellow code (her life is not in danger), transferred to the hospital by the emergency helicopter that took off from Como. The medical car and ambulances of the volunteers from Pisogne and Sale Marasino were also on site.

Dead on a motorbike: who was Lorenzo Raccagni

The body of poor Raccagni was recomposed and transported to the mortuary of the Lovere hospital, at the disposal of the judicial authorities. Since it was a fatal accident, with multiple vehicles involved, a case of road homicide will be opened. Raccagni was originally from Pontoglio but had lived in Palazzolo sull’Oglio, in the San Giuseppe neighborhood, all his life: he worked as a metalworker in a company in Calcio. In addition to his wife Daniela, he leaves behind his young children Giorgia and Francesco.

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