Urgent medical transport from Cagliari to Genoa

Urgent medical transport from Cagliari to Genoa
Urgent medical transport from Cagliari to Genoa

It ended late yesterday evening, Sunday 30 June, on urgent medical transport of a 4 year old child from Cagliari to Genoa, carried out with an Air Force F50 aircraft. The little patient, in imminent danger to lifeneeded to be urgently transferred from the “San Martino” Hospital in Oristano to the “G. Gaslini” Pediatric Hospital in Genoa.

Specifically, the child traveled inside the aircraft, monitored and assisted by a medical team and his mother. This type of activity for the benefit of the community is one of the institutional tasks carried out by the Air Force. The life-saving flight was activated, at the request of the Prefecture of Oristano, by the Air Force’s Headquarters Situation Room, which immediately involved the 31st Wing, one of the Departments that performs the operational readiness service for this type of mission.

Once all the necessary procedures had been carried out by the military crew, the aircraft took off from Ciampino airport, landing in Cagliari Elmas where the child was immediately embarked on the aircraft for emergency transport. After landing at Genoa Airport, which took place shortly after 10pm last night, the ambulance headed to the “Giannina Gaslini” Pediatric Hospital for subsequent hospitalization.

The Air Force’s flight departments are available to the community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with vehicles and crews capable of operating, even in complex weather conditions, to ensure the urgent transport not only of people in imminent danger to life, but also to organs, medical teams or ambulances.

Every year there are hundreds of flight hours carried out for this type of intervention by the planes of the 31st Wing of Ciampino, the 14th Wing of Pratica di Mare, the 46th Air Brigade of Pisa and the helicopters of the 15th Wing of Cervia

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