UISP – Nazionale – MovieMenti: social sport takes for everyone Uisp

MovieMenti: social sport takes for everyone Uisp

The weekly appointment with the MovieMenti column is back, with videos and radio/TV reports on social sport and for all Uisp

Clack, action! Seven days of sport, reported by the media but not only. Social and all-purpose sport Uisp finds the web as a channel to tell its story. Emotions, faces and activities of social sport are, day after day, returning and on the web they are able to find the possibility to express themselves and tell their story. Live videos or TV broadcasts, news reports or short videos of photos to tell the value of sport for all.

We have selected videos intercepted on social media, heard on the radio or seen on TV (if you have video/radio content to report to us, send it to: [email protected]).

The Uisp story continues in the media:

Uisp on Rai with activities for the elderly. The report on Rai3, FuoriTg section WATCH THE VIDEO

For Uisp activities we have collected a series of videos that tell the story of Uisp in motion:

Uisp Modena: Uispontheroad EP. 1 – STRAY DOGS: Adventures in the Apennines WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Modena: Uispontheroad EP.2 – CRP BORTOLOTTI: The sporting soul of Pievepelago WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp committee of Florence: BECYCLE, bike festival at the Leopolda in Florence, the first images WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Jesi, the activities of the Uisp Summer Centers WATCH THE VIDEO

Cycling Uisp Calabria, by bike to the summer center of the Cittadella dello Sport of Ravagnese WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Rieti, “Ancestrali Alchimie” Show by Rea Luna WATCH THE VIDEO

Nuoto Uisp Torino, the swimming party at the Torrazza pool WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp gymnastics Ancona, end-of-year performance rhythmic and artistic gymnastics WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Billiards: Summer Billiards, Andreotti Cardinals vs Corradini Zhou WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Ancona, gentle gymnastics in the Park WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Sassari, multisport summer centers WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Trapani, great emotion for the performance of the guys from the Senza Barriere group WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Ferrara, in Misano on September 14th “The charge of the Grazielle” WATCH THE VIDEO

Events, initiatives, championships and Uisp projects:

Sportpertutti Fest on the Romagna Riviera:

An eye on the courts, the great work of the Uisp volleyball match judges WATCH THE VIDEO

At the Sportpertutti Fest Uisp with the Mental Health Centers WATCH THE VIDEO

At the Uisp national volleyball finals, Andrea Sala, former Serie A volleyball player, WATCH THE VIDEO

Sitting volleyball will also be on the pitch at the Uisp national volleyball finals. WATCH THE VIDEO

Live broadcast of the awards ceremony WATCH THE VIDEO

Game and enthusiasm on the pitches of the Uisp national football finals WATCH THE VIDEO

Rhythmic Gymnastics Uisp, National Championship Zola Predosa, Anima Ritmica ASD WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Foggia Manfredonia, the “Carpino è Sport” event with the presence of the influencer Anita Olivieri WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Grosseto, Green youth category tennis tournament, interview with masters Daniele Pecci and Luca Bernardini WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Grosseto, the video of the Tennis Tournament male-youth category Green WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Arezzo, the 10th edition of the “Il Bastardo” Tournament: the teams enter the field and the minute of silence for the mourning that has struck the Branchi family WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp motorsport, last race of the Uisp Emilia Romagna regional championship in Carpi in the mx1 amateur category WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Rome, the “All the colors of Sport” event with sporting activities and debates at the Fulvio Bernardini sports facility WATCH THE VIDEO

The Uisp is often a guest on local radio and TV, web TV or online meetings organized by the social pages of associations, municipalities and other channels. Not only that, the Committees’ Facebook pages come alive with live streaming, here’s what we found online:

Volleyball Uisp, Haka Volley is the Italian champion of volleyball Uisp master category, report by GRP VeraTv Piemonte WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp national master water polo championship in Teramo, at the municipal swimming pool of Acquaviva, the TV Sei service WATCH THE VIDEO

Uisp Emilia Romagna, final event of the Sport-Lab-4All project, live broadcast of the conference “Adolescents and sport: data and experiences compared” WATCH THE VIDEO

published on: 06/30/2024 | viewed 65 times

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