I like Kean but we need something else. Zaniolo won’t arrive”

I like Kean but we need something else. Zaniolo won’t arrive”
I like Kean but we need something else. Zaniolo won’t arrive”

This afternoon the former defender of Florence Lorenzo Amorusoduring a connection with Radio Brunohad the opportunity to analyze some of the themes of the Viola house. This is an excerpt of his statements:

“After the end-of-season conference, Florence expects a lot. Finally something is moving”

“Clearly after Pradè’s press conference, where many announcements were made, facts were needed and finally now something is moving. When a company admits guilt in some situations it is good for everyone: We now accept the apologies, but what interests us is that something important is done now. I personally like Kean a lot, he will not be seen as the great bomber that everyone expected, but unfortunately the strong ones cost money. At these figures it is one of the best solutions that could be found. At least 30/40 million are needed for a top-tier striker”.

“I like Kean, he can also play with Beltran”

He then focused on the new arrival: “He is a player who has had little space in recent years at Juventus for many reasons. On a character level he had some little problems, but I prefer to have someone who is more exuberant but who fights until the last minute. And in my opinion he is such a player. In recent years, Fiorentina have already made bets in this role, Jovic and Cabral above all, but it was immediately clear that they did not have a pedigree not suited to Serie A, probably because they came from abroad. Then you chose to focus on Nzola, who came from a couple of decent seasons at Spezia: unfortunately he too was unable to confirm himself. With Kean you avoid two things: adapting to Italian football and adapting to the stress you have when playing in Italy. This has no problems with playing with a lot of pressure on him. Nzola came from Spezia, which is not the same as Florence. Moise, even if he is not the static striker par excellence, comes from Turin and will be able to handle the responsibilities that will be entrusted to him. He runs a lot, I would not be surprised to see a two-man attack with Beltran as the first striker”.

“Zaniolo is unlikely to arrive: Galatasaray is asking too much”

A few words also for the rumors about Zaniolo: “In addition to Kean, it will be crucial to understand who Fiorentina decides to include in the squad to complete the attack discussion. If to get to Zaniolo we talk about the figures that are coming out in recent days, in my opinion he will never reach Fiorentina. Even if this is just my opinion. For him to arrive, the player and his agent will have to be good at convincing Galatasaray to release him for lower prices. Under these terms I hardly think Fiorentina can afford it.”

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