The Great Radio | Giovanna Marini 70s. At the roots of singing | Rai Radio 3

The Great Radio | Giovanna Marini 70s. At the roots of singing | Rai Radio 3
The Great Radio | Giovanna Marini 70s. At the roots of singing | Rai Radio 3

Giovanna Marini interviewed on the radio in the 70s: the human, social and political roots of singing that she rediscovered make us understand and enter into the intense, archaic and redeeming sense of her way of singing. We will also follow up the commemoration of the Seventies in general and of the Piazza della Loggia massacre in particular with almost all Radio Tre broadcasts, Tuesday 28 May 2024; in fact, in this episode of the Grande radio, in addition to the programs, there will also be songs by Giovanna Marini from the Seventies linked to important moments of those years including, in the frame, some of her most intense and musical songs and interpretations in a recording from far away 1971, to finally close with an important passage from one of the books by the musician and field researcher, “One morning I woke up”, Rizzoli, 2005. Material from RadioRai programmes: Folkdoc with Giovanna Marini and Diego Carpitella, 1977, RadioUno; Which folk with Giovanna Marini, Bia Sarasini and Alberto Sobrero, 1977, RadioTre; Ventunoeventinove, with Giovanna Marini, Tullio Grazzini and Maria Laura Giulietti, 1978, RadioDue; An hour or so with Michele Straniero and Paola Paleari, 1979, RadioUno; The fourth right or the right to non-marginalization, with Giovanna Marini and Alessandra Olmi, 1978, RadioDue. On Raiplay Sound you will find more recent interviews with the musician by Pino Saulo in Battiti, 2017 and by Sandro Cappelletto, Suona la festa, 2022 etc.

02 Jun 2024

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