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“Am I pretending? Here’s the truth”

“Am I pretending? Here’s the truth”
“Am I pretending? Here’s the truth”

Ilary Blasi has her say after the gaffes she was the protagonist of in the first episodes of Live Beats: here are his words.

The evenings of the summer event have begun in Molfetta “Radio Norba Cornetto Beats Live”. There will be five evenings: the first round was recorded from 21st to 24th June, while the second on 6th and 7th July. An incredible location, made even better by the warmth of the fans and the singers who will naturally perform. A musical show that will airing on Canale 5 starting from July 8thfor five weeks straight.

Over seventy artists will take turns on the huge stage set up, obviously singing the hits of the moment and the most incisive ones over the last few months. Conductors Ilary Blasi and Alvin with Rebecca Staffelli as a special ‘envoy’. During her latest interviews about the event, the popular presenter had her say after the first recordings, the images of which have already been released. There were some hilarious gaffes, as always in her style. They seemed a bit too many and some insinuated that they were planned and certainly not casual: what is the truth? She finally speaks.

Ilary Blasi on the gaffes at Live Beats: here is finally the truth

A series of gaffes that are naturally going around the web. In the age of social media, it is easy for material of this kind to be spread at the speed of light and to go viral in a very short time. A Rhythm for example (HERE is a little tidbit about the singer’s luxurious apartment)speaking about her new single, the presenter spoke of orchestral and electronic sounds, immediately admitting that she had read everything from the teleprompter. Subsequently, the microphones were left open and a sort of ‘argument’ could be heard with the staff for entering the stage. Then, a series of jokes to the singers seemed too animated and not at the height of spontaneity: is Ilary faking it for the camera?

Ilary Blasi behind the scenes of Battiti Live in Puglia

Absolutely not. We know her by now and we should be very clear about this concept. However, she herself has dispelled any doubts by admitting that in life, as well as and above all in work, she does not like to pretend. She does not like to pretend to know everything, always and at all costs. It’s not really like her and if it behaved like this it would appear fake and not at all natural. On Canale 5 from July 8th it will be possible to enjoy these gaffes on the small screen and they are an added value, indeed. We are in the summer season and more than ever we are looking for a lighter television that does not take itself and does not take us too seriously, so that’s fine.

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