Civil Rights Act: 2 Children’s Books for the Anniversary

Civil Rights Act: 2 Children’s Books for the Anniversary
Civil Rights Act: 2 Children’s Books for the Anniversary

Two fundamental “little books”. Which “unfortunately” are increasingly fundamental. Because today, July 2, 2024it’s the birthday of the Civil Rights Act: exactly 60 years ago, thedesegregation became federal lawin the States…

The French publishing house What a storyto celebrate the event and remind us how important it is given the contemporary evolution/involution, brings two fundamental volumes to Italy. Two small/giant treasures which are the drawn/written biographies of two very different women who fought for that Civil Rights Act. All the editions for Italy are edited by Erika Gualandri. The illustrations are created by a team of graphic designers and designers who follow the style created specifically for the series by Bruno Wennagel, co-founder of Quelle Histoire together with Albin Queru.

Rosa Parks in 1999: Al Gore, vice president, presents her with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. ANSA photo

Rosa Parks was born in 1913 and at that time in the United States the law favored whites. If the African Americans Rebelare arrested. In 1934, Rosa begins to look for work but, because of the color of her skin, no one hires her. She does not have the right to vote in her state. She thus becomes a militant in her husband’s associationwhere he committed himself to fighting discrimination. On December 1, 1955, he refused to obey the rule of giving up his seat on a bus to a white person, giving rise to the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. Leader of the movement is Martin Luther Kingat the time a young shepherd. The Civil Rights Movement will be founded later: Rosa becomes for everyone the Mother of Civil Rights.

Angela Davis has only 12 years old when he joins the bus boycott. Like Rosa, she is a black girl who witnesses acts of racism in her country every day. After touring Europe and becoming familiar with communist ideals, she returns to the USA. It is the 60s: the fight against racial discrimination intensifies and student protest movements multiply. At the University of California, Angela participates in the creation of an African-American student council and supports a petition against racial discrimination in the military. Member of the Black Panther Party (Pantere Nere)Angela takes part in various social struggles, even being arrested. What saves her is public opinion and the support of famous writers and artists in Europe, too, from John Lennon ai Rolling Stones. Even today, Angela continues to fight with ardour and spread her ideas by participating in conferences all over the world where she is recognised as a great activist who fights for the progress of humanity.

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