Angelina Mango is not enough (and not advancing): where are our Beyoncé, Shakira, Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish? – MOW

Angelina Mango is not enough (and not advancing): where are our Beyoncé, Shakira, Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish? – MOW
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NoI’ve never been a big fan of the wrestling, but I remember that when I was very young, that is, in the first years in which wrestling broke into our commercial TV, somehow becoming part of our imagination, I sometimes happened to follow it. I remember that, in the obvious fiction of the encounters, the one-eyed beatings that produced neither wounds nor bruises, there were some encounters that fascinated me more than others, that is, those in which several athletes were beating each other, or pretending to be beaten. Yes, a sort of free-for-all which, due to the logic of the show, became from time to time articulated temporary alliances, in which a common enemy united two other enemies, united against him, only to then give rise to new dynamics and new balances, in a sort of megarissa alla Bud Spencer And Terence Hill, those have always been part of our imagination. I would like to say that I remember having also seen similar matches with female wrestlers as protagonists, but I would be lying knowing I was lying, from my memory, so as far as wrestling was concerned when it entered Italy, it was a matter only for men. However, since I am clearly going to set up a parallel between something that concerns the world of music and wrestling, it is the world of music that I generally deal with, but specifically I’m going to talk about something that concerns women in the music world (I think I’ll have to give up wrestling here) moving on to talking about something else. I could, but I fear that I would shift the focus to a certain morbid attention, talk about mud fights, I know for a fact that they mainly concern women, even if there is very little mud here, or rather, nothing, so I would really end up on the outside. theme. So nothing, I throw up my hands, I give up. No comparisons or metaphors. It is that in the Anglo-Saxon, and therefore international, market, even today, perhaps apart from Italy, what happens in the USA and Great Britain has a notable influence on a good part of the world record markets, something anomalous is really happening, something never seen before. seen before. For some time now, we have become accustomed to this sad little theater whereby those who are about to release a record which supposedly could aspire to occupy a prominent place in the sales charts, for a funny reason, are still called that, agree with the possible competitors, through the record companies, I am talking about the possible competitors who in turn are about to come out with some work that may have the same ambitions, in order to never go into direct conflict. I’m going out this week, you’re going out in two weeks, so at least I can enjoy a couple of weeks at the top, that’s the subtext. Then, of course, our charts are full of old albums, there for months, sometimes for years, so a lot is played on the immediate, streaming and bulimic listening lead to this, but generally it never happens that two albums that could clash bloodily come out at the same time. Generally, to be honest, the records that can hurt each other come out at different times of the year, so as to stay away from dangers.


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