Applications open until July 15th

The international ‘Lombardia è Ricerca’ Award reaches its seventh edition in 2024, the one million euro award assigned by the Lombardy Region to researchers and scientists from all over the world who, with their work, have achieved significant discoveries in the field of Life Sciences, capable of being translated into new products or policies that benefit people.

Applications are open until 15 July 2024 on the Open Innovation platform of the Lombardy Region. Every scientist with a production proven by an h-index of at least ten can nominate the discovery he deems worthy and indicate the author or authors, up to a maximum of three for the same discovery. Self-nominations are not permitted.

The award is decided by an independent jury of fifteen highly qualified scientists in different fields.

In particular, the Award addresses new frontiers of medicine, such as personalized medicine or innovative models of care, therapy and prevention; exceptional advances in biology, chemistry, physics or science, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, new materials and nanotechnology; environmental and social sustainability, with reference to research on renewable energy, climate change, pollution and global health.

A share of 30 percent of the prize is assigned to the scientist (or scientists) to whom the winning discovery is attributed, while a share of 70 percent is allocated to supporting research projects connected to the winning discovery, carried out by local bodies , or to support scholarships relating to the winning discovery, in collaboration with Lombard universities.

The awards ceremony will take place on 8 November at the Teatro alla Scala during Research Day, promoted by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Veronesi Foundation. During the day, the presentation of the Lombardia è Ricerca award dedicated to high school students is also scheduled (applications open until 24 September 2024).

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