Sunday at the seaside, full but with mucilage – Pescara

PESCARA. A Sunday at the seaside, with an orange-marked heat. Ideal for diving into the water in search of a bit of refreshment. But the phenomenon of mucilage, which has been appearing on the coast for a few days, is causing discussion and this picture that is revealed for Pescara is impressive. Many comments on social media by users who express concern and perplexity, recalling that the Adriatic capital has once again won the Blue Flag but, with this situation, it just doesn’t make you want to go swimming.

Yet Arta, with an official note, reassured everyone by saying that the situation “does not represent a danger to the health of swimmers”. The president of Sib Abruzzo Riccardo Padovano also intervenes on the mucilage found in the sea in the last few hours: “From the data provided by Arta – he explains – it is clear that our sea is cleaner than ever. It is true that there are stretches of mucilage offshore and also near the coast, but it is not an alarming situation, on the contrary it is completely under control”, he writes in a note.

And he adds: “As you can see from the data, the sea situation is excellent. The sea is clean. We are available to bathers and if someone in the establishments wants to take an extra shower they can do so without any problems. This episode of mucilage occurred with the heat but it is only aesthetic and does not compromise the state of our waters at all, which, I repeat, is excellent”, concludes Padovano.


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