Naples (Action): “Giorgia Meloni has her enemies at home, not in Brussels”

Naples (Action): “Giorgia Meloni has her enemies at home, not in Brussels”
Naples (Action): “Giorgia Meloni has her enemies at home, not in Brussels”

The implications of what was decided in Brussels last Thursday evening continue to make their way and become more concrete in various European countries. In Italy the situation is rather heated, due to the position taken by the Prime Minister Melons who first accused the other European leaders of wanting to cut Italy out and then abstained from the vote on Ursula The European Commissionvoting against the names of Antonio Costa for the European Council and of Kaja Kalla as High Representative for Foreign Affairs.

Already in recent days Oswald Napleslike other Italian politicians, had criticized the Prime Minister’s choices, and even today the Action politician decided to comment on what happened, in particular with reference to what emerged from theinvestigation of Fanpage on National Youth. According to Naples, Giorgia Meloni’s real enemies would be found in Italy and not in Brusselsso the prime minister should review his plans and better consider the people he surrounds himself with.

Napoli: “Meloni must find the strength to speak out clearly

According to Osvaldo Napoli, “the young ‘little brothers’ of Italy with fascist greetings and their manifest anti-Semitism are, together with the deputy prime minister Matteo Salviniready to embark on a new anti-European, nationalist and pro-Putin groupthey would be the real enemies of the Prime Minister. Figures that in the eyes of the European Union weaken it and tend to distance it from the leaders that matter. Continuing not to take a position on the matter, fearing imbalances in the country’s internal politics, Meloni finds himself in difficulty abroad, particularly at the time of her decisions in Brussels.

The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

His interlocutors – the politician from Action continued – they ask themselves how Meloni can represent the founding country of Europe and those that Europe would like to demolish and they sit with her on the government benches in Parliament“. The prime minister has always been at a crossroads but now this ambiguity is becoming harmful for her on all fronts. Naples, however, does not even justify the government oppositions that seem to be rooting for a defeat for Giorgia Meloni in Europe, without considering that it would represent a defeat for the country and not for Fratelli d’Italia.

Just like these who, according to Napoli, “they do not have the qualifications to run for the government of Italy“, in the same way Meloni would be risking her position as Prime Minister, unless “between now and July 18th he will not find the strength to utter words of clarity” Why “he has his enemies, the irreducible ones, at home and certainly not in Brussels“.

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