the future of cinema and audiovisual in Calabria

the future of cinema and audiovisual in Calabria
the future of cinema and audiovisual in Calabria

CATANZARO Calabria increasingly “open-air set”with its unique landscapes, with its great professionalism, with its talents and with its power of attraction, already experienced on several occasions, the latest of which is the take of the TV series “Sandokan”. The Region is betting on the cinematographic and audiovisual sector by launching the three-year program 2024-2026: six lines of intervention for a total of 27 million, This is in summary the plan approved at the end of May by the Regional Council upon proposal of the president Roberto Occhiuto. The aim is to strengthen the sector by projecting it more and more into a comprehensive vision that also includes the development of culture in general and tourism. The focal point of the three-year programme of interventions for cinematographic and audiovisual activity (the programme can be consulted at the end of the article) is the Calabria Film Commission Foundation.

The role of the Calabria Film Commission.

The plan recalls that Calabria Film Commission has four functions:traction of productions national and international cinematographic and audiovisual in Calabriaconsolidation and development of the professional sector, stimulation of economic and employment benefits on the territory, promotion of the image of the region. The implementation of these functions has already led to some results, for example in the Three-Year Plan it is highlighted that «between 2017 and 2020, in fact, the Foundation’s ability to attract national and international cinematographic and audiovisual productions to the regional territory increases; the contributions assigned grow, allowing a an ever-increasing number of individuals benefiting from funding for the creation of new productions, in particular films and short films (70%), and the number of subjects benefiting from the promoted support measures is expanding, among which Srls and cultural associations stand out, 20% of which come from the Calabria region ». We then point out ithe role of the Film Commission as the implementing body of the “Studios” project in Lamezia Terme, project under construction which involves «the construction of a “cinema citadel” and represents a notable strategic axis as it will provide the regional territory with a unique infrastructure for the South”, and then the fact that with a 2022 regional law the aims of the Film Commission have been expanded “to also include those relating to the support and promotion of the local tourism system”.

Occhiuto with Can Yaman on the set of Sandokan in Calabria

The lines of intervention

There are therefore six lines of intervention in the three-year plan of interventions for cinematographic and audiovisual activity. It starts from “support for the development and production of cinematographic, audiovisual and multimedia works”, line «dedicated to attracting national and international productions to the territory of the Calabria region through the publication of public notices for the granting of contributions. publication of public notices for the granting of contributions to national and international productions and agreements for cinematographic and audiovisual co-production» (here the Council is expected to allocation of 9 million). The second line of intervention is that of “promotion of cinematographic and audiovisual culture” (allocation of 1.5 million): is «dedicated to the management and conclusion of administrative procedures relating to the public notice in support of festivals and events». The third line of intervention is important, “support for training and professional specialization”a line «dedicated to supporting projects aimed at the growth and development of new Calabrian talents, both with reference to entrepreneurial growth in the sector, and with regard to new professional skills in the field of cinema from an artistic and technical point of view, in the audiovisual and multimedia sector, and to the enjoyment by them of excellent training experiences and paths» (allocation of 2 million). The fourth line of intervention – “cinematic and audiovisual heritage” – «supports research, collection, cataloguing, digitisation, study, conservation, valorisation and legal deposit of the cinematographic and audiovisual heritage of regional interest, through projects and initiatives to be implemented also in collaboration with the archive of the National Film Library and other regional bodies» (allocation of 500 thousand euros). So the realization of the project “Studios Lamezia Terme”which has already been recently dealt with by Courier of Calabria (allocation of 10 million): the Plan provides for a timescale according to which «in March 2026 there will be the completion of the works and the start of the installation of the technologies, to arrive, in the month of May, at the completion and installation of the technological equipment and, with them, the start of activities”. The last line of intervention is “the promotion and valorization of the “Calabria Straordinaria” branda line «dedicated to the tourist promotion of the regional territory, to the valorization of landscapes, cultural and food and wine traditions of Calabria through communication and territorial animation activities with the aim of «redefining in a structured and synergic way the challenges linked to the tourist valorization of the local territorial and cultural heritage» (allocation of 4 million). (c. a.)

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