Twelve million coming to Latina: here are the planned projects

Twelve million coming to Latina: here are the planned projects
Twelve million coming to Latina: here are the planned projects

Twelve million euros coming to Latina. The Regional Council of Lazio has approved in recent days three separate resolutions of the first FSE of territorial strategy for Latina, Viterbo and Rieti, allocating 12 million, 11 million and 9.5 million euros respectively. These are three measures that provide for a total investment of 32.5 million euros, including 46 thousand euros for each municipal administration to support the development of the territorial strategy. In detail, Latina has obtained 18 funded interventions, Viterbo resources for 11 works while for Rieti funds have been assigned for 5 projects. These are European resources provided for in the Regional Plan of the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027, within the scope of the objective “A Europe closer to citizens”.

”The territorial development interventions represent a significant step towards the economic and social growth of the provinces – declared the vice-president of the Lazio Region and councilor for Economic Development, Commerce, Crafts, Industry and Internationalisation, Roberta Angelilli – This initiative will not only support local development, but will also promote sustainable resource management and improved quality of life for citizens. ‘I thank the president of the Economic Development commission of the Lazio Regional Council, Enrico Tiero, for his collaboration and contribution to this important measure – concluded the vice-president of the Lazio Region – The Lazio Region’s commitment to the support and development of territories is constant and a priority. These first interventions are the fruit of the beginning of a virtuous path, which will see further investments and projects in favor of local communities”.

Various areas of intervention: sustainable mobility, environmental redevelopment and energy efficiency, green infrastructures, quality of public spaces, services, places of culture, digitalization for the administration. “I welcome the approval of the resolution of the regional council on territorial strategies relating to the Municipality of Latina. I would especially like to thank the councilor for Economic Development and vice president of the Lazio Region Roberta Angelilli for keeping her promise and supporting this initiative aimed at the growth of our territory – comments the president of the regional commission for Economic Development and Productive Activities, Enrico Tiero – We are faced with significant funding that is able to respond to the many needs of sustainable mobility, enhancement of the villages, popular neighborhoods, the Marina and the city center. A significant space is given to sustainable mobility. Among the various requests, the creation of a cycle path connecting Borgo Piave and the center, and also the creation of coworking rooms. Among the projects, the one of one million and 300 thousand euros stands out for the data processing and the feasibility study and safety of routes and access to the 13 school areas of the villages. Among the main amounts also one million euros for the redevelopment of the green areas of the city center, including Piazza Quartiere Trieste, Piazza Berlinguer, the park of Via Ovidio, the green areas of Viale Don Morosini, Viale Emanuele Filiberto and Via Zanetti. Added to this are the projects of the Upper production parks of Via Massaro and Campo Boario for almost 1.4 million euros”.

“There are also funds amounting to 288 thousand euros for the construction of the skatepark between via Galvaligi and via Pierluigi Nervi – adds Tiero – environmental and climatic redevelopment interventions in the urban public spaces of Piazzale dei Mercanti and the car park in via Neghelli, for approximately 1.3 million euros, and the Nuova Nascosa-via del Lido cycle connections, Viale Le Corbusier-via Bruxelles bus lines, via Galvaligi-via del Lido for over 600 thousand euros, while the other cycle routes planned with the vision will be included in the second tranche of funding requests. The fruitful work of discussion and support carried out in recent months between the Region and the Municipalities will obviously have to be completed with the aim of implementing the projects and implementing the provisions of the cohesion policies”.

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