in Asti an open City Council –

in Asti an open City Council –
in Asti an open City Council –

Tari and waste collection are at the center of debates in Asti, for users and politicians and, to better address the topic, a City Council open to all citizens has been called.

The council will be held Monday 8th July from 8pm, in the meeting room on the second floor of Palazzo Mandela in Piazza Catena, where the City Councils have been held for some time now, given the impracticability of the Town Hall due to the works.

On the Tari increases, already in May, several associations have also taken the field to ask for a discussion Cgil, Spi Cgil, Federconsumatori, Libera, Acli, People’s House, Piamaccording to which “The Administration and ASP have declared that the increase in the waste tax was necessary because there are many people who do not pay for waste in this city.

So those who already regularly pay will have to take on a further 12.5% ​​increase in the Tari because (as the mayor says) costs have increased due to 10% of people who do not pay the tax, the 30% increase in the cost of street cleaning while the 5.6% is due to the cost of switching from door-to-door collection to vertical collection (bins) which for now only concerns the southern area of ​​the city and which should have made the system more efficient and lowered the cost of the service”.

The minority is no less so: the Democratic Party, through research, found that “where vertical collection works, in Asti the waste tax has increased up to 25%”, Max Cerruti from the M5S: “Making a very simple comparison between the waste tax of 2023 and that of 2024 we find an average increase in the fixed quota of about 12.5% ​​for everyone. And Asti is already among the cities in Italy where the TARI is most expensive. Going deeper into the causes we note an increase of over 30% in the costs of sweeping, washing streets and squares, unacceptable even if we consider the energy increases of 2022; a +5.6% for waste collection and transport and a +37% for various depreciations. Also looking at the current state of cleanliness of the city the doubts are legitimate”.

The advisors Briccarello, Bosia and Malandrone had attacked the new collection from the very beginning, claiming that “while several municipalities proceed with door-to-door collection, pushing and punctual, reaching differentiation rates of over 80%, our administrators choose the path of regression. If only it were convenient, but in this regression 6 million euros are invested, in the face of the reduction in tariffs that will perhaps happen and who knows when“.

The San Fedele neighborhood, through the former five-star councilor George Spata had promoted a signature collection, which reached 300: “What we would like to understand first of all is why a collection system that was working perfectly was changed. So those who did not pay TARI before will continue not to do sonot having the card, with the aggravating circumstance that often those who arrive to deliver the waste find the bins full and leave them on the ground, so it ends up that the Asp operator has to throw them in the bin causing everything to end up in the mixed bin. The system cannot work also because the bins are badly positionedeven on bends or at bus stops, and furthermore the city is not structurally adequate for the passage of large collection trucks. Not to mention the fact that, being located even 150-200 meters from some buildings, the elderly and disabled are severely penalized”.

Several users had also complained about the new system and some had raised the issue of the glass “There are bins divided by color and then at the Ecocentro everything ends up together.” Last but not least, on the system, the legal affair that has overwhelmed Enrico Benedetti, director of Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente of Bibbiano (RE), who was entrusted with the experimentation of the ‘vertical collection’ of waste.

Citizens who wish to intervene can contact the Municipality or the councilors.

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