“The eggs will hatch in two months” (Photos and videos) – Sanremonews.it

“The eggs will hatch in two months” (Photos and videos) – Sanremonews.it
“The eggs will hatch in two months” (Photos and videos) – Sanremonews.it

A long and sincere pilgrimage. The news of the eggs of the Caretta Caretta turtle on the beaches of the Piccolo Lido bathing establishment in Arma di Taggia has spread throughout the entire Riviera di Ponente. The extraordinary nature of the event (this is the first time in the history of the province of Imperia and the fourth ever in Liguria) is attracting tourists from everywhere, who en masse stop to observe in rigorous silence the turtle’s nest, now fenced off and protected by a cage.

“We saw the tracks early in the morning, then we immediately set the organizational machine in motion”said lifeguard Franco, one of the first to notice the turtle nest on Thursday 27 June. “Now we have placed a cage in the area to protect the eggs from ill-intentioned people and animals. There are so many people who have flocked to the beach, it seems like a pilgrimage: everyone wants to see the turtle’s nest.”

“The area is now safe – explains Davide Ascheri, biologist of the Delfini del Ponente Association – In the next two months we will monitor the nest in various aspects. The eggs are protected and are located 40 cm deep. The hatching will occur in 50-60 days, shortly before we will do some monitoring to prepare for this event. When the time comes, we will create a sort of corridor to help the little turtles reach the sea”.

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