Carrarese Mister Calabro remains the anchor. Three clubs are still looking for their leader

Carrarese Mister Calabro remains the anchor. Three clubs are still looking for their leader
Carrarese Mister Calabro remains the anchor. Three clubs are still looking for their leader

Although there are only two days left until the official opening of the transfer market and a couple of weeks until the start of preparations, the line up of coaches for the next Serie B season is not yet complete. In fact, there are three vacant benches, while the other 17, including Carrarese, have already formalized the technical leadership between changes, confirmations and surprise calls. The next opponents of the Azzurri who have not yet decided who to entrust the team to are Frosinone, Pisa and Catanzaro, all, however, very close to the white smoke. The Ciociari, recently relegated from Serie A under Eusebio Di Francesco, have long been targeting Vincenzo Vivarini, who surprised everyone in the season just ended by bringing the Calabrians among the big league teams. The agreement reached on Friday between the two clubs made the Abruzzo coach’s arrival in Lazio certain, thus freeing up the Aquile del Sud bench for Paolo Bianco, sacked in April by Modena to make room for Pierpaolo Bisoli (confirmed by the Emilians). The Pisans have already reached an agreement with Pippo Inzaghi, for which only the official information seems to be missing. Those who have already made it official are the 4 newly promoted teams from Serie C.

Carrarese has obviously confirmed Antonio Calabro, for whom the renewal was automatically triggered following the feat achieved on 9 June. Now waiting for the Salento coach there is another even bigger one: salvation. Surprise change, however, at Cesena, where Domenico Toscano gave way to Michele Mignani to remain in C with Catania, while Mantova and Juve Stabia still relied on those thanks to whom they achieved promotion (respectively Davide Possanzini and Guido Pagliuca). Changes of course also for the other two newly relegated teams, with Salernitana who, after the great uncertainties of last year paid for with the last place in Serie A, ran for cover by choosing Andrea Sottil, and Sassuolo who focused on Fabio Grosso. Among the greats of the championship, confirmations for Sampdoria (Andrea Pirlo again) and Cremonese (forward with Giovanni Stroppa after the failed promotion in the playoff final in May) and changes for Bari and Palermo. The Apulians have appointed Moreno Longo, looking for the second promotion in a row after the one achieved with Como, while the Rosanero will try with Alessio Dionisi. Changes also for Cosenza, who to chase the seventh salvation in a row chose Massimiliano Alvini, and Reggiana (William Viali), while on the remaining benches there will be no changes: Edoardo Gorini remains in Cittadella, Rolando Maran in Brescia, as does Luca D’Angelo at Spezia and Federico Valente at Südtirol.

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