the press conference live

the press conference live
the press conference live

In the aftermath of the sensational elimination of theItalia in the round of 16 of the Europeans against Switzerland, Gabriel Gravina takes the floor at the press conference to analyze the causes of yet another Italian failure. After the failed qualification for the World Cup in Qatar, another bitter disappointment came under his management. The coach is also with him Luciano Spalletti.

Italy, Gravina: “Disappointed for the result”

The FIGC president begins like this: “Traditionally there is a meeting with communication operators. It is also an opportunity to thank all those who contributed to this event. I am referring to all the collaborators of the federation in these 30 days. They have all been committed to making everyone available. We also did this with an important project like Casa Azzurri and this is a very positive sign. It is a special day because our appointment with Euro2024 ended yesterday the Italian fans who deserved and deserved it. We are sorry for the result.”

Gravina: “There is disappointment for the performance”

Gravina then commented on the performance of the Azzurri: “We know that in the world of sport the result is subject to many variables. What remains is the disappointment of not having been able to demonstrate to those who followed us everything that was done by these guys. What remains is the disappointment of the performance and inability to express what we could do. There also remains the disappointment of not having been able to experience first-hand the desire for Italianness. I believe this is the disappointment that we must all reflect on.”

Italy, Gravina: “The responsibility is everyone’s”

So a comment on responsibilities: “A reflection that we all made together: me, Gigi, the coach. We shared the disappointment with the boys because we are not talking about a group that does not take responsibility. We have nothing to hide, we are all responsible. Last night we had a long chat with the coach. I am very pragmatic and I think it is very wrong to leave a multi-year project after 8 months at the first difficulties. There will be some deep reflections. Last night we started to discuss with Luciano Spalletti. We only have one way to do it and to understand that when you fall, as happened to us, you have to have the ability to get back up with ideas and work. I face problems with work. I do not have the culture of running away from difficulties”.

Gravina: “Multi-year Spalletti project, change is unthinkable”

Finally a comment on the Spalletti project: “Let’s also appeal to the sense of responsibility I spoke about before. We are talking about difficulties but with a multi-year project ahead. We are talking about a coach who has entered the race and has only been here for 8 months. We have just over 100 selectable players for the national team For me the point is that we need to think about some rules that exist today because this does not depend on the federal president. It seems to me that there is an increasing desire to cut space for the national teams, this is the love that is given at the Nationals. Spalletti has our confidence. In 60 days we have a new competition. We only need to valorize the talent first time in history our U17s won the European Championship”.

On young people: “There are national and international laws that prevent us from imposing things on entrepreneurial companies. The fact is cultural and depends on some numbers. In Serie A we have 32% of selectable players. We are strenuously resisting opening up the membership even further of non-EU citizens. There is no cultural factor behind it. If we do not understand that working with young people is an investment and not a cost. I am sorry but there is resistance within us and I am unable, due to some rules, to change this I would also like to point out that there is no conflict between me and politics. It is a very normal debate that exists in every country.”

Italy, Gravina comments on the criticisms

So a comment on the criticisms received and the requests for resignation: “Criticism hurts everyone but we need to grow from constructive criticism and legitimized by well-founded elements. The unfounded ones that go as far as asking for resignations at a time when my mandate is ending. There is no place in the federal governance that someone demands resignations or claims to command from the outside. As far as I am concerned, the deadline is set for March 2025. These elections will be held with the closure of the Olympics as required by the rules. That is the only place where certain choices can be made. Criticism yes but let’s make them constructive”.

Italy, Spalletti: “I am the one with the most responsibilities”

Word then to coach Spaletti: “I am available to answer all questions. I am pleased to thank the fans for their closeness and love. I thank the players for their professionalism and desire to work. I also want to thank all the staff of the federations because they tried to find the solution to any problem that may have arisen. I am sorry that because of my result their quality has not been seen. They remain trapped in the idea that it depends on the result Would I change anything? I don’t play the game of going back and thinking: ‘it would have been better if’. I can’t go back. I try to force myself to look forward rejuvenate the team and, since I am staying here, I will continue to do so. It is clear that we have not seen the best Spalletti possible because otherwise I would be here making different speeches. I see and read that I have been accused of having used too many tones and of having used myths to follow. I have examples to follow and it has been my whole life.”

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