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two very young people tracked down on Instagram

two very young people tracked down on Instagram
two very young people tracked down on Instagram

Padua, 2 July 2024 – Death and violence threats to steal scooters and money to their peers: this is what two very young people from the Padua area are accused of, reported by the Padua Flying Squad. It is a 18enne resident in Maserà di Padova, ben known to the authoritiesand of a 15enne foreigner entrusted to a community.

The evening of the April 27th they had two young people robbed – aged 18 and 17 – in Piazza Duomo in Padua. First they had mimed cutting their throats, then they had hit finally subtracting the scooter and all the money which they had with them, 50 euros.

To trace their identity, the police cross-referenced the footage of the CCTV cameras con i Instagram profiles of young people already involved in similar episodes of violence: the confirmation finally came from the two victims, who have recognized the attackers.

The 18-year-old was already on trial to the Juvenile Court for a similar episode of aggression, dating back to two years ago: with a peer, he had threatened and assaulted another young man. Furthermore, in February of this year, he had been caught by the police in possession of a folding knife: this had cost him an oral warning by the police commissioner, who had deemed him socially dangerous. For the April robbery, the police headquarters issued a no return in the municipality of Padua for 4 years.

Different fates for the 15enne: due to his minority, he will be taken care of by the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office of Venice.

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