sanctions and fines for commercial activities

sanctions and fines for commercial activities
sanctions and fines for commercial activities

Per i checks at the Nino D’Angelo concert and in the city’s nightlife, the Local Police Command of Naples has intensified operations in various areas of the city, obtaining “important results in the fight against illegality and non-compliance with the rules”.

On the occasion of the Nino D’Angelo concert, 56 units were used, including 3 officers and 53 agents. The operations led to the verbalization of 7 abusive parking attendants, one of whom was reported for repeat offenders. In addition, 28 removals were carried out for illegal parking and 39 reports were issued for various violations of the Highway Code. Five vehicles were found without insurance coverage, while four violations concerned the obligation to wear a helmet for motorcyclists. During the concert, 110 bottles of illegally sold beer were also seized and 3 fines were issued for illegal occupation of public land.

In the end, 16 commercial activities were checked to verify compliance with current regulations. In the context of the nightlife in via Riviera di Chiaia, following inspections carried out on the catering premises, 6 reports were issued for violations of the Highway Code, with particular reference to articles 20 and 23, respectively, illegal occupation of public land and unauthorized street advertising.

In the area of ​​via Ferdinando Russo, 8 vehicles were removed and 4 seizedwhile 14 reports were issued for violations of the highway code. In via Orazio, at a commercial activity, violations were found relating to the occupation of public land (art. 20 CdS) and the absence of certification for a self-powered electrical system, reported to the ASL for further checks.


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