Call for Agricultural Companies PNRR Lazio Region: Lots of Money for Nothing

Call for Agricultural Companies PNRR Lazio Region: Lots of Money for Nothing
Call for Agricultural Companies PNRR Lazio Region: Lots of Money for Nothing

The PNRR call for tenders by the Lazio Region for the modernization of agricultural companies was a failure.

Against a financial allocation of 25 million euros, it seems that projects have been presented for just a third of the available funds.

After all, the debacle was in the air from the first days of the announcement’s release.

How can we expect companies to purchase electric agricultural tractors if these are not on the market?

The companies in Lazio, which with this call should have converted to electric, have actually moved further away from it. In fact, the possibility of having innovative, precision equipment financed, even powered by very old tractors, was given. So the message that was conveyed was that electric can wait, effectively denying the key objective of the PNRR, that of ecological transition.

In short, yet another demonstration of how far the regional offices are from real agriculture, the one that produces.

It’s a shame that markets and climate change don’t wait, relegating the companies of our Region to the back burner in terms of competitiveness and sustainability of processes and products.

A farmer in a tractor prepares his field as the sun begins to set.
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