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Dear Porro, I’ll explain why boycotting Le Pen is useless

Dear Porro, I’ll explain why boycotting Le Pen is useless
Dear Porro, I’ll explain why boycotting Le Pen is useless

Dear Porro, the France will have a runoff between the far right (Le Pen) and the far left. For many moderates the choice, if there is a choice, will not be easy.

As I have been saying for a long time, the agreements of those who want to exclude someone can hold up to a certain point, then the walls collapse and extremism prevails. You must always understand and study what you have in front of you and what can happen in the future.

In Italy in 1994 we had a genius who, not very political but very pragmatic and visionary, decided not to care about so many words spent against the right (the former MSI of Almirante) and proposed a coalition pact (the Good Government Hub). National Alliance became a minority government force and since then had to transform itself from a destabilizing far right to an institutional right. It had to adapt, it governed and it was in opposition. After many years, even in Italy the positions have become partly radicalized. But the proposal of Georgia Melons It has been in the same coalition for 30 years and is no longer an “anti-system” force but a “system” force.

The complete opposite of what is happening in France with Le Pen, where those who wanted to exclude in these 30 years have in the end been excluded and desperately invoke the usual “republican bloc” hoping for a goal like Zaccagni’s without considering that at the door there is already a Switzerland ready to send you home in a bad way.

I “European” idiots who want to exclude Meloni from the Commission’s games should study Italy a little and learn from Silvio Berlusconi. It’s the right time to do it but, alasno one has the genius of the Cav (after all he called them “tourists of democracy” a few years ago and many idiots in Italy did not understand it). So once again Long Live Silvio Berlusconi to whom we all owe the stability we have.

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