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Collapsed beam, consultancy filed – Teramo

Collapsed beam, consultancy filed – Teramo
Collapsed beam, consultancy filed – Teramo

TERAMO. Four months after the workplace massacre with five dead workers, including the 59-year-old from Montorio Luigi Coclite, there is a first certainty that marks the tragedy at the Esselunga construction site in Florence: the technical consultancy arranged by the Public Prosecutor’s Office has been filed and entrusted to the engineer Stephen Podesta, professor at the University of Genoa, recently appointed by the Municipality of Bologna to secure the city towers. At the moment there are no suspects and the consultancy was not arranged with the formula of a one-off assessment. In recent months the attention of investigators has been focused on the collapsed beam produced by Rdb Italprefabbricati, a company from Atri, which in its factory in Alseno, in the Piacenza area. The Abruzzo company, a giant in the production of concrete products, supplied all the beams and subcontracted the work for the installation of the products, including the collapsed one, to other companies. The dynamics of the facts are yet to be reconstructed: from the testimonies collected during the first interrogations in the Prosecutor’s Office it seems that there were workers busy placing the beam in the shelf on the fourth floor of the structure, when suddenly the beam gave way under the weight of a pouring of concrete causing cascading collapses of the pylon and the floors of other floors. Another aspect of the investigation concerns the verification of the methods of hiring workers employed by the numerous construction companies involved in the Florentine construction site.(d.p.)

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