Asp, civil service for 268 young people in hospitals and outpatient clinics

Asp, civil service for 268 young people in hospitals and outpatient clinics
Asp, civil service for 268 young people in hospitals and outpatient clinics

For twelve months they will work in hospitals and outpatient clinics of the ASP of Palermo ensuring reception, assistance and support, especially to vulnerable users. They are the 268 young people of the Universal Civil Service selected, out of over 900 applications, for the project “Information in circulation” of the Provincial Health Authority of the Sicilian capital.

This morning, the first moment of contact with the public administration at the Politeama in Palermo, where they met the regional health councillor, Giovanna Volo, the general managers of the strategic planning department, Salvatore Iacolino, of Dasoe, Salvatore Requirez, and the top management of the Palermo ASP, the general manager, Daniela Faraoni and the health director, Francesco Cerrito.

“This is an important step towards a great collaboration – says Councilor Volo -. The more young people, especially those who have joined the Civil Service, can contribute to the population that needs the services provided by the Health Service, the better it is for all of us, who can count on their support activities. Public health belongs to everyone. There are aspects that can make it complex, such as the use of information technology, and the possibility that some young people can help elderly and frail subjects to access these tools is an extremely positive fact. We hope that this is the beginning of an increasingly close collaboration, in which the population can find comfort in the help that young people can give them”.

“We are reopening our doors, after sixteen years, to a very young audience of our population – says the general director of Asp Palermo, Faraoni – who is approaching a human experience that is also a work experience. The universal civil service implies ethical and moral values ​​that will be reflected in the contribution to our organization. Today, the presence of the institutions testifies to our participation in the life and growth of the new generations. It is a way to immediately begin a path of alliance between the institutions and the young people, only in this way will it be possible to orient the future to make our Sicily grow”.

The selected young people will work five days a week for 25 hours and, in addition to receiving a monthly allowance of 507.30 euros, will have, like all those who perform Universal Civil Service, a 15% reserve of places in public competitions and recognition of the university internship “in the specific area of ​​intervention”. The purpose of the project, implemented by the Health Authority together with the co-designing body Aress Fabiola, is to improve knowledge and access to social, welfare and health services in the area, aimed at the weaker sections of the population, in particular the elderly and disabled. In a province like the one “governed” by the ASP of Palermo, where out of a population of 1,215,453 citizens (including residents of Lampedusa and Linosa), 22% are elderly (268,610), the contribution of the young people of the Universal Civil Service will be particularly useful.

Of the 268 selected, 142 will be employed in the city’s facilities, while 126 will be employed in the province. In the five hospitals of the ASP, namely Ingrassia in Palermo, Civico in Partinico, Madonna dell’Alto in Petralia Sottana, dei Bianchi in Corleone and Cimino in Termini Imerese, 78 young people will work, while the others will be employed in territorial assistance facilities (PTA) and outpatient clinics, but also in the psychology service, in the mental health department and in health education activities.

The tasks that will be assigned include assisting the operators of the CUP (Unified Booking Center), preparing simple and easy-to-understand information material, selecting the forms to give to users and identifying the most requested information.

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