Waiting lists, 30 million on the plate

Waiting lists, 30 million on the plate
Waiting lists, 30 million on the plate

Reduce waiting times. This is the objective of the plan implemented by the Ferrara healthcare companies, following the indications of the Region which has allocated 30 million. Search for new professionals to be included in the areas where there are the most critical issues, increase in the purchase of freelance work and private services, improvement of pathways in general and for fragile patients in particular. Professor Melchiore Giganti, who heads the Department of integrated imaging and laboratory diagnostics, illustrated the activities of his department. “A total of 270/280 thousand exams are carried out per year – he explains –. We are living in a period of shortage of human resources, in particular of radiological specialists, but also of the sector and of nurses, to try to collaborate and work as a single group It allows us to face important challenges.” Among the first to take action, with actions aimed at reducing waiting times, was local radiology. “The reduction of waiting times – explains Roberto Rzzati, director of the Ferrara USL provincial radiology operational unit – is a challenge that we share with the company management. Since the end of March, the activity of the diaries, of the specialists, of the exams with greater criticality in terms of management of waiting lists, and agendas in terms of timing of execution of exams, such as CT scans and ultrasounds, to try to guarantee a greater number of services”.

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