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When your heart beats fast and you risk running into a speed camera: how wonderful

When your heart beats fast and you risk running into a speed camera: how wonderful
When your heart beats fast and you risk running into a speed camera: how wonderful


I know the road from Benevento to Campobasso like the back of my hand, I have left a little piece of my heart in every bend. I’ve ridden it hundreds of times, in rain, sun and sometimes snow. Always at impossible times: at 6 in the morning or late in the evening. The speed maintained was constant, what matters is the average which determines the final time. The changes from one extreme to the other are useless, at stake is the observance of the rules even along the state road that unites two lands, Sannio and Molise, which have a lot in common.

If it were possible, I could now do those 67 kilometers with my eyes closed, remembering the many sacrifices, the anxiety of returning, so as not to take away even a minute from my job, which I love. How many things have passed through my mind, in these years. I was able to reflect, while traveling, think about what I was not able to do, the satisfactions received, the pains experienced. They say that time is a gentleman because, suddenly, it gives back what has been lost or taken away.

I don’t know if this is really the case, certain absences are unbridgeable and unfortunately leave room only for infinite sweetness and nostalgia. They are the springs that push us to move forward, to always give our best, to honor the memory and convey respect for it. It’s not easy at all, you need a good dose of balance, feet strictly on the ground, anchored to reality. Flights of fancy are prohibited, a cool mind and maximum attention.

The one I didn’t show during the week: in view of cutting a particularly important finish line, I drove while my heart, for the emotion, was beating so hard that I didn’t realize the risk I had run: running into the terrible meshes of one of the speed cameras placed along the route. Expensive traps, woe betide anyone who ends up in one. I smiled with those who were with me: we got out of it, luckily. To hell with the license points and the fines, at least this time I earned a pinch of good luck. That day I was very happy.

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