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“Unity Festival at the North Park. And in 2025 at the Red Barracks”

“Unity Festival at the North Park. And in 2025 at the Red Barracks”
“Unity Festival at the North Park. And in 2025 at the Red Barracks”

The Festa dell’Unità indulges in another round of waltzes in the North Park. As anticipated by Carlino, the Bologna Democratic Party has decided to remain in the historic place of the left, despite having announced the move last year with a last farewell waltz. From 29 August to 22 September, therefore, dem volunteers will continue to serve tortellini in the location that has been symbolic of the last 50 years. This was announced by the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party, Federica Mazzoni, from the Dem Federation of via Andreini: “We had to move due to the works on the Passante motorway”, but, given the delays, “there is the opportunity to organize the festival another year to the North Park, because the area is still empty”.

The transfer will take place, but only in 2025, when bars and restaurants will settle in the Caserme Rosse park in via di Corticella. Another house for the dem event examined over the last year, “but which needed structural adjustments, from parking to electrical supplies and drainage. With a year’s time, however, we will be able to do everything with serenity” , explains the festival’s manager, Lele Roveri. Which, among other things, makes it known that it will maintain the same structure as today, sacrificing the amusement park and, perhaps, some stands not managed by the party.

The former PD leader (and testimonial of the Festa dell’Unità in Bologna) Pier Luigi Bersani, yesterday via video link, uses one of his usual metaphors: “It’s like an unexpected encore by a rock star. It’s not clear whether it’s the Festa dell’Unità that’s having trouble leaving the Parco Nord or whether it’s the Parco Nord that’s having trouble leaving the party. In any case, it’s good news”.

Roveri goes further: “It would be nice if the national holiday were remade in Bologna”, but from what filters through the Nazarene it seems that it will not be the chosen location. No preview on the program, except for the certainty that invitations will be sent to the exponents of the future wide field in view of the next Regionals. Mazzoni does not go too far on the possible race of Michele de Pascale (“we will discuss with the secretary Elly Schlein”) and announces the collection of signatures at the Party for the referendum against the differentiated autonomy of the government.

The mobilization, the economic sustainability of the Festa al Parco Nord and the good accounts of the Bologna Democratic Party (“2023 closed with a profit of almost 100 thousand euros”, says the treasurer Valerio Gualandi) however are not enough to cool the scorching climate in the Democratic Party . On the accusations regarding the ballots lost in Castel Maggiore and Pianoro by the deputy secretary of the dem Matteo Meogrossi (absent yesterday), Mazzoni limits himself to saying “that it will be discussed in the appropriate forums”. And that is in the PD Directorate on 10 July (“set before the European Championships”) where it will be understood whether there will be a redde rationem or an armed truce until the Regional elections. The Dem leader, from her side, stops the attacks: “We are talking about serious things. The Democratic Party is above 40% in our entire territory. Divisions? We want to be stubbornly united, as Schlein says”. She doesn’t dwell on the defeats: “We also won again in municipalities in the Apennines and in the Bassa where we didn’t expect it, and tomorrow I’ll be in Lizzano…”. Words that in one fell swoop – a sign of the internal split – infuriate both the dem Davide Di Noi (Andrea De Maria’s area) and the former mayor of Lizzano Sergio Polmonari (member of the Democratic Party) who sends a dig: “Perhaps the secretary doesn’t know it, but we’ve been governing Lizzano for years…”. Di Noi, on Facebook, is the spokesperson for the discontent over Mazzoni’s lack of self-criticism: “Three municipalities over 15 thousand inhabitants have been lost, plus Malassociazione, without regaining one”, plus “leading groups of the Democratic Party – he says in reference to ‘ Casalecchio case’ – have supported candidates in opposition to ours. Very serious issues: they will have to be discussed in the Management”.

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